I like plot with my porn

Sep 22, 2009 09:28

Actually I require a GOOD plot with my porn and not just interchangeable insert tab A in slot B shenanigans that could be anyone, anywhere ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

poisontaster September 22 2009, 15:07:32 UTC
I'm going to be a total punk and say: "It's all situational ( ... )


tjournal September 22 2009, 15:16:43 UTC
Emotional porn - I like that. LOL

When you're reading the pages and pages of porn, do you ever notice a lack of characterization or are those not the "glasses" you're wearing at that moment? I think when I'm in that mood, I need anonoporn - characters I could care less about that are just vessels for the tabbing and slotting. LOL

Hell porn when you're ovulating shouldn't even include NAMES. ;)


poisontaster September 22 2009, 15:19:50 UTC
Yeah, I think when I'm in that mood, characterization, names...I'm not overly concerned about it (though I don't know I ever TOTALLY turn it off, so much as I just don't CARE). But in any other mood, characterization is absolutely paramount and I don't really like or read fic/books otherwise where the characters could be just anyone.


tjournal September 22 2009, 15:21:19 UTC
Can writers ever turn off their editor brains? LOL


slytherinblack September 22 2009, 16:14:33 UTC
I think you kind of hit on why I have trouble with RPS AUs. The characterization can be kept, there, I suppose, but I guess I just don't have enough imagination. XD But it tends to make me go "what's the point? If I want to imagine my hot actors fucking, I want to imagine that it's actually happening. At the point where the characters have been transported to an ancient magic kingdom I feel like you could just write an original story. Although I'm also fairly meh about FPS AUs; there still has to be some connection to the original story in the plotlines for it to work for me. So. Yes, that's more my 2 cents on AUs than porn.


tjournal September 22 2009, 16:19:15 UTC
Oh yes, those are excellent points. LOL Now, I'm never going to turn down amnesia or rent boy fics, whatever the genre *cough* but absolutely. Unless you are telling me another aspect of the story and characterization by placing Sam and Dean in outer space, why bother? ;)

Although I think, from a writing pov, that fan fic is "safer" for some people and they use the characters from elsewhere because they don't feel their original stuff would be as good. Which is a whole 'nother can of worms.


azewewish September 22 2009, 16:42:53 UTC
I think it depends on the story. Everything should serve the story. If you're writing a fic where the characters have that sort of relationship that needs to be explored via graphic sex, then you write the graphic sex. If the characters' arcs would be better served by glossing or FTB, then you do that. But it has to be about the characters & has to show me something new about them, or what's the point? I mean, I love porn as much as the next gal, but if I'm going to invest the time to read your writing, then I'm in it for the characters & story. If I want Tab A/Slot B porn, that's what Blue Boy & Penthouse Forum are for. *g*


tjournal September 22 2009, 16:59:56 UTC
I also think sometimes the heat factor is upped when the characterization is still there, even amongst the sticky details. ;) There are things I wouldn't bother to read or watch as "porn" (some kink comes to mind) works perfectly when the writer is using it as a vehicle or metaphor in the story. And it can be scaldingly good. lol


topaz119 September 22 2009, 17:28:14 UTC
I want what fits with the characters. I want to know why they're having sex, and how the sex fits with their relationship, and how it's going to affect what happens the next day, whether it's the first time they've ever touched each other or ten years into the relationship and thinking they should be bored by now, but hey, it's really still a good thing.


tjournal September 23 2009, 19:42:28 UTC
Overthinking romantics unite!!!! ;)

I realized last night that even my PWP need chemistry. And maybe that's what helps me - the plot gives a couple chemistry, even for a hookup!


junebugged September 23 2009, 04:34:43 UTC
I like my porn to have plot. And not just a "Hey I'm a cop who pulled you over and you've been a very bad boy so let's get to the fuckin'" plot. I want PLOT. Interest. Friendship. Romance. Dorkitude. Miserable colds. Chicken Soup. Kink. Giggling. Falling asleep on the couch watching tv.
I mean, if I wanted tons of porn with very little dialogue that moves the characters' relationship along, then I figure I can always rent a movie or few for that.
The journey is half the fun of getting to a destination, if that makes any sense. I don't know, I'm a bit delirious with anger at the lead the Yanks are blowing right now.

Also... this is the reason I loved our boys so much...


tjournal September 23 2009, 19:44:05 UTC
I'm definitely a "journey" person like you; I like everything before the falling into bed and the stuff that happens after. :) I like details and memories and little things. *happy sigh*

And yay, they won anyway! woot, playoffs!


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