Title: A Town Called Dean 2/10
Author: Me
Spoilers: References Bloodlust
Disclaimer: Fan fic, nothing owned
Word count: 515 words
Notes: This is het, R, Sam/Lenore. Future fic. Unbeta'd. This continues from the previous "In the Future" series.
She drives and drives and drives, until the Impala begs for mercy and gas. The town she pulls into is called Dean, a thing of ironic beauty as “Dean’s” little brother is now growling and writhing in the seat next to her.
Lenore is grateful she isn’t alive and therefore can’t be haunted as she was quite sure Dean Winchester would be now making her life a living hell.
The sleepy attendant pays her very little mind as she throws a crumpled fifty in his lap and pumps the tank full. He doesn’t look up or seem to notice Sam banging against the window to get her attention. He doesn’t look up or seem to notice the death grip Lenore has on the nozzle.
They need shelter and rest and food before years and years of finely honed restraint goes straight down the proverbial toilet.
There’s a motel down the road, barely standing and clearly only a last refuge for lost truckers, drug addicts and people seeking a horror movie like atmosphere and rusty water.
Lenore is at a loss for a few moments, dragging an incoherent Sam into Room 10A (the A is missing but the outline remains) and locking the door behind her. She has to go find food before Sam goes from needy/hungry to rampaging/death machine - a place she’s inching towards in very scary increments.
In the end a pair of handcuffs and the radiator in the bathroom is the only solution; she snaps both his hands with the heavy monstrosity in the middle then ties his feet, leaving him behind with a quick kiss to his forehead.
He snaps at her like an angry dog.
She sighs and slams the door behind her.
It takes two hours to round up supplies (the local grocery store has a shit lock on the backdoor and an area for meat cutting) and head back to the motel. All the while Lenore is getting angrier and angrier, a full head of steam rolling off her. She KNEW it was stupid to turn him, knew it in her black bottomless soulless body and here was the proof.
He wasn’t ready to face life among the humans and she didn’t know how to ease his way. She thought back to when she was turned, tried to remember her passage and all she could recall was blood and death and fury.
She didn’t want that for him.
Sam was curled up against the radiator, his clothes torn and the shower curtain ripped.
Not bad. She was expecting worse.
“C’mon Sam, let’s eat,” Lenore murmurs, stroking his longish hair and unlocking the cuffs. He jumps and starts in surprise, confusion dilating his irises until she has to look away. “Sam, Sam, let’s go.” She pulls him up as teeters to his feet, his hands groping her with hungry need.
“Yeah, you can have that later. Eat first.” Come back and be closer to yourself because I miss you.
For the first time in a very long time, Lenore was lonely.
Go to Part 3