Ok, here's the first installment of those pics I promised. I figure I'll give you a pictorial of USAFA over the next month or so... one or two pictures at a time.
Ok, so here's a shot of the T-Zo and the Chapel last Friday. Note the dying grass and nearly-melted snow. Yeah, it was starting to get depressing.
And now here's (basically) the same shot on Monday. It may take a moment to catch the difference, it's kinda subtle.
As for actual news, I got up this morning at O'Dark thirty, ate breakfast, and took a Chem test that started at 0630. Yay for common GR's! ok, maybe not. Anyway, after Chem I went down to the field house and took the PFT. Mine's a little different from Ron's and, truly, the rest of the Air Force's. We have pull-ups, long jump, sit-ups, push-ups, and a 600 yard run, with 2 minutes on each event and about 10 seconds in between events. i did ok, and better than i should have expected considering the utter lack of a regular workout routine over the last 5 or 6 months, but i still failed the run (nothing really new there- I'm slow as molasses). I fingure most of you don't care about the numbers, but I'll put the scores in a cut so that you can see them if you care.
PFT Results
(exercise: raw score [point value])
Pull-ups: 12 [50]
Long Jump: 7' 7" [50]
Sit-ups: 95 [100]
Push-ups: 66 [85]
600 yd Run: 2:19 [0]
Total 285 out of possible 500
So now I get to look forward to the AFT (1.5 mile run) next week. At least with that one, speed isn't as big an issue. You can pass with a little over an 8-minute mile pace, so I should be fine. Gotta love fitness testing.