(no subject)

May 02, 2009 01:42

Something struck me for episode 420 of Supernatural; Castiel and then Anna both looked exhausted and scared. When Dean sat on the dock, immediately after Castiel left, the waters went very dark.

When Castiel came back there was no trace of the humanized angel left. It makes me wonder if Castiel was brainwashed in Heaven. Not scared straight , but brainwashed. He doesn't seem afraid, just unemotional.

I wonder what triggered Heaven's temper? Was it Castiel informing Dean that the Archangel would interfere if the Prophet was threatened? Maybe. The Archangels are pissed at Castiel, and believe he's been tainted by Anna? Yeah, I think the chick is in trouble; she certainly looked a wreck in the car. Evading wrathy Angels bent on killing her may be keeping her up nights? Was it related to Castiel wanting to tell Dean something? This'd only work if the audience had been told the secret without the Winchesters learning what is up, but we're in the dark also.

I haven't seen the Angels on a mission to eliminate Uriel's converts, but that doesn't mean this hasn't been happening. Heaven may have tracked down possible traitor angels and eliminated them, and now are working on forcibly returning any disobey-orders-but-still-believe-in-God angels to the ranks. Why the Angels wouldn't outright kill Castiel instead of brainwashing him is puzzling me. It isn't like Dean wouldn't continue to act if Castiel wasn't around; all Zachariah would need to say is that demon X eliminated Castiel. Dean doesn't know that demons can't kill Angels and he's been told other Angels fell in the field, so I could see him believing such a lie.
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