last cigarette: ha ha...middle school sometime
last kiss: earlier tonight sometime
last good cry: meh...a while ago
last library book checked out: oh...I don't know
last movie seen: little house on the prairie
last book read: the neverending story
last cuss word uttered: damn
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: a granola bar
last crush: heh...Topher
last phone call: Harry
last tv show watched: conan
last time showered: earlier
last shoes worn: eww..annoying $1 clogs
last cd played: uh...imogen heap
last item bought: groceries
last downloaded: meh
last annoyance: people complaining so much
last soda drank: sierra mist
last thing written: don't know
last key used: w
last word spoken: huh?
last sleep: uh...earlier
last im: haha...somebody saying goodnight
last sexual fantasy: umm...
last weird encounter: eww
last ice cream eaten: twix
last time amused: naked scene of movie
last time wanting to die: blah blah
last time in love: oy
last time hugged: umm..earlier tonight
last time scolded: umm...sometime
last time resentful: ha many resentful people everywhere
last chair sat in: my computer chair. *gasp!* i'm sitting in it now! (hahaha...exactly)
last lipstick used: i don't care
last underwear worn: hanes her way
last bra worn: I have no idea...I haven't worn one for so long
last shirt worn: uh...lotr shirt
last time dancing: uh...last wednesday probably
last poster looked at: the one in my room...
last show attended: friday..aww
last webpage visited: club hell website