gah I 'm brain stuck but this is what I have written so far for a fanfiction ideal
someone care to see if I should continue it?
Her eyes opened to entirely new surroundings. No it wasn't a dungeon, it was a bed room instead; the off-red walls were strangely calming. The girl wanted to get up but was quickly stopped by an older woman. "Please young one I highly suggest that you put. I really don't want you bleeding again."
"Where am I?" the girl asks calmly.
"Your somewhere safe." the woman replied with a smile.
"Yes, you, child, are at the manor of Arl Eamon, the Arl of Redcliff."
The girl looked shocked but then lightly smiles, but the moment the girl starts to ask something a foreign voice sings into the room,"Wynne I brought the towels as you asked." the red head girl smiles at Wynne then looks at the girl laying in bed and sings, “Bless the Maker! You’re awake and might I add you look so much better then when you arrived!"
The girl looks at the red head a bit stunned and thinks for a second, "why does she look familiar?"
"Yes I was able to heal most of her deep wounds, but still," Wynne reports to the red-head, she pauses for a few seconds but the age continues, "she still has a broken arm and most of wounds will still take some time to heal."
"But now we can see her face." the red head says positively looking at the girl, "before you took care of the child Wynne we couldn't tell anything about her."
The girl looks at them, for a quick second she has a flashback of a fist going to her face; but she quickly blinks and asks, "Were you the one that saved me?"
"One of them." the red head explains happily, “Me and three other friends found you in a cell in Arl Howe’s dungeon. To be quite honest we thought you were dead by the way you looked." the red head looked a bit sad saying that; but the girl slowly starts to remember.......
She remembers hearing people, it wasn't the guards or Howe; it was a voice that sounded like a boy.
"By the Maker..."
"Hey what did you.....find?"
She couldn't see them; it felt like her body was ready to die. Her body had been starved and tortured; she had forgotten what it was like to see, to breathe, to...
"Hey I don't think there really is a point to see if she's alive, by the way she looks it looks like she has been left here to...."
She yanked on the person that was in front of her, maker why did this hurt but she didn't want to die rotting in some dungeon, her family would not forgive her for giving up that easily.
"Please...." she begged as she grabbed the person tighter she felt tears flowing weakly down her face, this person’s touch felt so warm so....
"help me!" she cries to the person before she passed out again.
The memory was so vague but now....
"I should thank you..." the girl tries to say without starting to cry again, "....and I should thank the other three that came with...."
Next thing she hears is a loud bark outside the door.
" that..." she whispers loudly as the Mabari wagged its tail happily at the door, the dog charged foreword and jumped towards the surprised girl and started to lick her face in joy.
"No get off the child!" Wynne tries to order the warhound who was overly happy at the presence of the girl.
"I never seen Dog so happy!" exclaimed the red head also trying to get Dog off the girl.
"Dog off!" ordered Wynne before she started with the threats."I swear when Theron gets back, I will...oh Leliana...."
Leliana looks a Wynne with a small smile and says, "It's okay Wynne, I know that they will be back soon."
At that moment the girl somehow felt guilty and says, “I’m sorry...”
"oh it’s not your fault dear child." Wynne says turning the girl's, "our two wardens let themselves get captured to let Anora escape Arl Howe's manor, where they also found you."
Of course they would be rescuing someone else; she was supposed to be dead for a very long time.
The girl used her usable arm and petted Dog, and then she looks at Wynne and Leliana and asks,"Anora?"
"Yes, Anora was being held by Howe." replies the older woman.
"Did she...."
"oh no!" Leliana exclaimed, "The Orlesian Warden named Riordan carried you here."
"Riordan...." the girl knew that name. Wait wasn't he locked up as well?
She was thrown back in the cell, biting her lip from the new pain on her back; a kind reminder from Howe to remind her of what he thought of her calling him a pig.
She slowly tried to scoot to the back of the cell. That's when she heard the laugh.
"I never thought I would see the day, that a child would take a man's beating and not cry about it."
"well...." she starts, "getting beaten like that after the first dozen times your body kind of becomes immune to the shock," she smiles weakly, “sometimes if I get Howe really mad, he will think of interesting ways to torture me then starve me; perhaps today I may get some table scraps."
"They haven't....."
"No they haven't toyed with me like that, thank the Maker; also, I told them that I poisoned my body and if they touched me they would die almost instantly."
The man laughed, "You are a clever child; tell me, what is your name."
"I go by many names, but most have started to call me Hazel."
The man laughed again and simply said, "a pleasure, I am Riordan...."
As the girl came back to reality she heard Leliana finish her story.
"....and so Riordan followed us, he agreed to take you here and have Wynne take care of your wounds." Leliana finished.
The girl smiled in relief, she was glad to hear that the old man was able to escape safely after all.
"So what is your name?" Leliana suddenly asks the girl.
sadly that's were I am stopping right now, I hope people don't think of the story similar to Caged...its actually part of a AU Dragon Age:Origins story of non-Wardens F!Cousland, F!Tabris, F!Brosca and M!Amell becoming a small gang of mercenaries though the main character focus will be Cousland; the Warden is M!Mahariel....but that part is the prequel...right now I am writing to focus of the landsmeet and Cousland's decision to become the Lady Cousland and side with Eamon at the landsmeet as well as her being able to reunite with her partner 'Tabs'
The theme will be more of finding a path to follow, learning to trust people and to move on...
well if I should continue please let know