Education will always be underfunded in Washington and likely in most states because it is hugely expensive and there is never enough to cover all the extras that schools are expected to provide. Education was one of the few industries to gain jobs during the recession. Those jobs come with salary, benefits and pensions that take a sizable portion of the pie. Then on top of that you have all the ancillary expenses like maintaining buildings, bus transport etc .
I noticed that Seattle Public Schools will have another levy in November to provide more funding otherwise they will have to lay off teachers. Well, I am all for paying teachers' salaries as long as they are good teachers. I just wish Rany Dorn could figure out how districts could fire the lousy ones!
Comments 1
I noticed that Seattle Public Schools will have another levy in November to provide more funding otherwise they will have to lay off teachers. Well, I am all for paying teachers' salaries as long as they are good teachers. I just wish Rany Dorn could figure out how districts could fire the lousy ones!
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