Title: Daddy's Girl Song/Band: Daddy's Girl - Emilia Characters: Veronica and Keith Episodes: All of Season 1 Link/Size:MegaUpload - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8YAEWVLNRead more... )
Thanks. I was just in the mood to do something different and like you said, there aren't a whole lot of Keith videos around. It was a pretty short song, so I threw it together kind of fast. I hope it doesn't look like it, though ;)
lol, no I wasn't fishing, just stating fact. I was working on my "Bad Boys" video and got really frustrated with it. I heard the song and a light bulb went off in my head. I just figured working on something else would help me with my frustration on the other vid. I didn't want to spend a lot of time, so I just threw it together. Nothing is quick in vid making, but in relative terms, it didn't take long. It was a really short song, too. Overall, it was a good idea, because I was able to complete my "Bad Boys" vid without going completely insane. That was the last one I made with WMM. There are things I would change now, but it's still probably my most well received video. It was just fluffy/fun.
I don't remember even posting that at TWoP. I must be getting old. That is a good thing to remember, though. One of my concerns with my "Haunted" vid was that I was using too many clips from the same scenes in a row. I thought it would be too boring. That's still my main problem with that vid, but you can only do so much.
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I don't remember even posting that at TWoP. I must be getting old. That is a good thing to remember, though. One of my concerns with my "Haunted" vid was that I was using too many clips from the same scenes in a row. I thought it would be too boring. That's still my main problem with that vid, but you can only do so much.
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