It's a bad sign when my mom notices I'm "subdued" (as she put it).
On a happier note. The moon is awesome tonight, and it cheered me up a little. Last night was a blue moon, for those of you who didn't know.
Last night was just not a good night. Gwyn left before I could give her a hug or talk to her at all. Which sucked. And the on the last radio announcement sound cue in the show, the CD skipped so badly all that came through was "La-...tle-tle-tlemen...-gret...-form...three...regret...three months...-go-go-go-go...night...-ma." And that was it. And for those of you who saw the show (namely, Catie), your realize how much it sucks to not have the last sound cue! Martin ran a lap while I brought down the lights at the end, and did the curtain call. Then we both went out and cursed the inventor of CDs. Then prayed that it was only dirty, not scratched. Went back, and I tested it, and it was only dirty. Which is good for next Saturday, but still sucks royally. Argh!!!
Matt called last night during the show, so I didn't get the message until afterward. But then he called again, asking why Krystal wasn't answering, so I gave the phone to her. Then she left (after switching to her phone) because there's virtually no reception at the barn. Next thing I know, about five minutes later, Matt calls, asking why she won't talk to him. After much miscommunication, I finally get the point across to him that I don't know, I'm not with her, and most likely, her phone died, or she lost service, and did not hang up on him. I don't know, though. I haven't talked to Krystal since then, except to say goodbye when I was leaving Jean's later that night. He makes me so mad sometimes. And it's probably a good thing I didn't talk to him last night, because I would not have been sympathetic at all. In fact, if he calls anytime in the near future, I'm not going to be sympathetic. I'm tired of worrying about other people when I'm stressed about what's going on in my life. All it does is make what's going on in my life even more stressful.
I got a call tonight. A couple actually. And I didn't actually get them, I got a little note on my phone that said "2 missed calls." So I called Tim back, and got not answer. Then I called the other number, which turned out to be Eric's cell. Turns out they were looking for a driver to go pick up the stage pieces that we dropped off at Shal pool last week. But they said Greg was going to drive, and they didn't need me. Five minutes later, they call back asking what I did with the keys to the city truck and the corp yard. At which point, I realize they're still on my key ring, since I hadn't had time yet to take them back to the Varsity. So I go down there to give over the keys, but end up being the driver, because, why not, I was there. So we head over in two cars. Tim and I in 484, and Karlee and Eric in Karlee's car. They had to go pick up straps anyway from the Vets. So we meet at the pool. By the time Karlee and Eric got there, it was about 7:15. Greg had told us they were expecting us at 7. When we got there, they said they wouldn't be ready for us until 7:30. So we're like, okay, that's fine, we can wait. And it's cold, by the way, because it's out in an open field, so the wind is really whipping through the parking lot. And we wait. And wait. And move to Karlee's car out of the wind to wait. At about 7:40, we go out to see what's going on, and they're most definitely still doing races. So we go back and wait some more. Five to 8, and we go back. They're done. But the stage still has a canopy, four tables, and the timing equipment all over it. We ask how long they expect it to take. The guy says "oh, probably a couple hours, more likely four, though." And we dub him The Idiot. How hard can it possibly be to clear off a stage? Four hours?! And he was serious, too. So we decide to kill a half hour, then check back. So we headed back to the corp yard, so I could get a sweatshirt from my truck. And back to the pool. The stage hadn't even been touched. Nearly everything else had. But nothing had changed with the stage. So we left them with Eric's cell number, and went to Borders. Which closed at nine. So we headed to Tower. They called us while we were there, at about quarter to 10. But first we went next door and got coffee and tea. It was one of the more amusing pictures I've seen when we got there: four Starbuck's cups lined up on the curb. I wanted to take a picture (with the lack of a camera) and caption it. We couldn't decide for a while what to caption it though. "On the clock." "On the job." and "Hard at work." were the first ideas. But finally, we fell back on our trusty "Your tax dollars at work." Too bad we didn't have a camera. So we loaded up the stage, and went back to unload it. So by the time that we had unloaded the stage, and I had taken back the keys, and everyone else had taken the straps back to the Vets, we'd been working for four hours. We believe this is the longest record stage pick up ever. Fourth of July was quicker! But hey. Four hours of spontaneous work isn't really that bad. Add $28 to my very pathetic paycheck for this time period. Too bad I already turned in my timesheet. It'll have to go on the next one. Which means I have to go by HR and change my address, since I won't be here to pick up that paycheck.
I think I need a distraction. That doesn't involve two certain people, although I love them both dearly, and they're lots of fun. But it hurts a little too keenly at the moment. One or the other is okay, but not both. And I'm not doing anything this week. No work. And we only have a pick-up rehearsal on Thursday before the last performance Saturday. Lots of distractions, I can tell. Tomorrow I have to go to STL and Staples, so at least there's that. But I'll be alone, which leaves me thinking. And thinking is bad. I need to go see the Acme shows, although I'm a little scared. I'm putting it off as long as I can, giving them time to get everything straight. This is the most disorganized I've ever seen an Acme show, even Cyrano. It's bad.
OK. I have to get up early, and take my mom to work. So I should sleep.