Posting Guidelines

Feb 02, 2008 10:16

So, you're ready to post your entry for our latest challenge? Great! Just follow these guidelines:

Entry Submission Rules and Guidelines:
  1. As mentioned in the general rules, this community is moderated. If your story is not a response to any of our challenges, please post it to one of the other fic communities.
  2. All entries should have a standard header (all fields are required):
    • Story Title
    • Author: Just humor me, please. =D
    • Rating: K-MA (Please do not use MPAA ratings)
    • Characters: Especially if you have a ship!
    • Disclaimer: Tin Man belongs to...
    • Warnings: We're pretty lenient on the warnings, but if your content is really heavy, such as rape, pedophilia, incest, and all of the squickiest stuff, it's required. In other words, don't worry about warning for angst, slash (as that's in your "Characters" column), or original characters.
    • Summary: No more than 100 words for the summary, please! It's a summary, for crying out loud.
  3. All stories, whether 100-word drabbles or 50-chapter epics, must be under a cut. No exceptions. Fake cuts (links to the story on your personal page) are allowed.
  4. All submissions for regular rotational challenges must be at least 750 words.
  5. Authors are responsible for tagging their peices with the appropriate tags! When it's time to post the polls, we use the tags to quickly identify which entries need to be included in the polls. If you don't tag your story, then we'll miss it. The moderators cannot be held responsible for missing your piece if you don't tag it. If you find that you've forgotten your tag, you have no more than 24 hours to notify the moderators and have it fixed. After that point, we won't change the poll.
  6. Spelling and grammar are very important. While a spelling error here or a comma splice there won't get you disqualified, don't expect to win a challenge if your piece is riddled with typos.
  7. We have no tolerance for plagiarism. If it's not yours, don't claim it. If we find that you've plagiarized a work, not only will that piece be immediately removed from the community, but you will be banned and reported to stop_plagiarism.

!mod post

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