Because Im a retard and dont remember the phone number and zip code for Camp could someone let me know please!! I need it for my background check for the navy.
I cant wait to get out of here and never come back I was doing ok with the whole depression thing but thanks to some people its gonna be a bad week 2 weeks to spring break and visiting Ashes and the other Booger members Hopefully I'll see Patti too
I hate today its so dumb But im talking to that rugby boy who thinks im gorgeous... it will be nice to have someone to hang out w/again.... screw Tom he hasnt called me or anything yet today Going to Penn State to see Toni tonight YAY she puts a smile on my face
I had an amazing weekend.... we had a torchlight parade in memory of Bubba then drank on top of the mtn and Frits was here from Wyoming... just what I needed this weekend
If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened. Then post this to your journal to see what people remember about you.