Character Holds

Mar 11, 2008 22:35


Alani Ryan (LOA); Emily exp. 7/17
Alex Summers (HAVOK); Alex exp. 7/17
Ali Blaire (DAZZLER); Sarah, extended
Allison Crestmere (MAGMA); Puja
Anna Marie (ROGUE); Nat 2
Bobby Drake (ICEMAN); Puja
Clarice Ferguson (BLINK); Lyssa exp. 7/17
David Alleyne (PRODIGY); Ryan exp. 7/17
Doug Ramsey (CYPHER); Sophia exp. 7/17
Eric Gitter (INK); Cody
Esme Stepford (FIVE-IN-ONE); Alice exp. 7/17
Gloria Munoz (RISQUE); Bonnie exp. 7/18
Heather Cameron (LIFEGUARD); Ali
Hope Abbott (TRANCE); Evie
Inez Temple (OUTLAW); Nat 2
Jamie Madrox (MULTIPLE MAN); Julie exp. 7/17
Jared Corbo (RADIUS); Ryan
Jenny Stavros (ROULETTE); Lyssa
Jonathan Silvercloud (FORGE); Brynn
Jonothon Starsmore (CHAMBER); Jordan
Josh Foley (ELIXIR); Sarah, extended
Jubilation (Jubilee) Lee (JUBILEE); Rian
Julian Keller (HELLION); Raina exp. 7/17
Julio Richter (RICTOR); Loren
Kenichi Harada (RONIN); Sophia
Kevin Ford (WITHER); Loren
Laura Kinney (TALON); Puja, extended
Laurie Collins (WALLFLOWER); Bonnie
Lorna Dane (POLARIS); Emma exp. 7/17
Manuel de la Rocha (EMPATH); Ryan
Megan Gywnn (PIXIE); Jen
Monet St. Croix (M); Evie exp. 7/17
Neena Thurman (DOMINO); Marie exp. 7/17
Noriko Ashida (SURGE); Bonnie
Paige Guthrie (HUSK); Shawna exp. 7/17
Pietro Lehnsherr (QUICKSILVER); Jordan exp. 7/17
Piotr Rasputin (COLOSSUS); Jo exp. 7/17
Rahne Sinclair (WOLFSBANE); Jo exp. 7/17
Raven Holloway (MYSTIQUE); Beth
Remy LeBeau (GAMBIT); Nat Dennis
Sam Guthrie (CANNONBALL); Wes
Sooraya Qadir (DUST); Rian exp. 7/17
St. John Allerdyce (PYRO); Rian
Tabitha Smith (BOOM-BOOM); Jo
Theresa Cassidy (SIRYN); Emily exp. 7/17
Vanessa Carlysle (COPYCAT); Casey exp. 7/17
Wanda Maximoff (CALAMITY); Beth
TBA (LONGSHOT); Brynn exp. 7/21
X'ian Coy Manh (KARMA); Rhia exp. 7/30


Daniel Krieger (BERSERKER); Emma
Danielle Moonstar (MIRAGE); Lina exp. 7/17
Emma Frost (TBD); Sophia exp. 7/17
Hank McCoy (BEAST); Ryan
James Logan (WOLVERINE); Nat Dennis
Jason Wyngarde (MASTERMIND); Jo
Jean Grey (PHOENIX); Lyssa
Jean-Paul Beaubier (NORTHSTAR); Jordan
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier (AURORA); Puja, extended
Kitty Pryde (SHADOWCAT); Emily exp. 7/17
Kurt Wagner (NIGHTCRAWLER); Lis exp. 7/20
Leonard Samson (DOC SAMSON); Loren exp. 7/20
Ororo Munro (STORM); Marie exp. 7/17
Pete Wisdom (TBD); Jordan exp. 7/17
Sally Blevins (SKIDS); Sarah, extended
Scott Summers (CYCLOPS); Jeff
Sean Cassidy (BANSHEE); Beth
Warren Worthington (ARCHANGEL); B exp. 7/17

NOTE: We are only accepting holds for characters from the X-Men Universe. No OCs allowed.

There is a four character limit and all holds will expire after one month. Characters in Bold have been approved. Characters that are Underlined have been challenged: both applicants have 1 week to submit their applications.

FOR HOLDS: Full name (CODENAME). Also, let us know what name to put with the holds. Please also let us know if you want your character held as a student or a teacher.
PBs: Please put a hold down for your PB here.

&diamd; Telepaths should be considered Fairly Restricted as of 5/26. This may change as current holds expire, and if you think you have a fabulous telepath-app, feel free to make your case to the mods.
&diamd; Also, we have noticed a high number of bad boys/girls. We're going to be a bit harsher on apps for reformed and unreformed delinquents and troublemakers.
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