I haven't updated all weekend so here goes....
I'm only human... at least i think i am, thursday i went 2 work then after work i went 2 grizzleys. when i got there i was all down cuz i felt left out of peoples convo's and what not and i dunno i just felt alone... my friend Danté brought his friend Nicole there and i didnt start making conversation with her until like 11 oclock at night... so i was talking to her and we exchanged info about ourselves and shes 22 and currently living in her car... now i know what u may be thinking... but she told me she was looking for places the next morning so i didnt make a big issue about it.
we were talking until like 230 in the morning and then she had 2 go after she left i left with kyle and kyle was like "stop smiling or ur face will stick that way" im like "cant help it lol" after i dropped him off i went home for a very long sleep. i woke up the next day and i went off to work and after work i came home and grab some things and i went off to ligaly and pick up Kyle. during ligaly i felt the same thing as i did on thursday and i hate that feeling and the fact that this guy was there that i totally dispise made things worst. b4 we all went 2 the diner this gurl tiffany who i havent spoken 2 in ages gave me her number and she told me that shes single so im like "imma call you" lol. so the next day i had work at 230-530 but b4 that i went 2 kyles to see if i could help with his block party
he had a block party that day and i wanted 2 see if he wanted some help so i helped him a bit b4 i went 2 work then i went 2 work and afterwards i went 2 the block party and i didnt feel all that good and after i picked up melissa and brought her back i didnt go back 2 the block party i went 2 hang with Tiffany and her gurlfriend instead i didnt wanna be around every1 i only wanted 2 be around them so i had dinner with them then i went back 2 kyles and drove anthony and melissa home which wasnt my responsibility but he made it that way which made me even more pist so i went 2 grizzleys after wards cuz cher is bartending and i hung there for all of 25 minutes then i went home which was fine with me cuz i didnt wanna be out that late so i went home and i passed out the next day i decided NO CELL PHONE USAGE ONLY FOR FAMILY NO FRIENDS so i didnt call n e 1 except my aunt through out the whole day i made the decision that i dont wanna come back 2 NY that i wanna move in with my aunt i doubt it will happen but i hope it will. i spent the night at my grandmas last night then i went home at 9pm and it was a first i was home early lol then 2day i had work from 5-10 and i came home and kyle was begging 2 see me but i couldnt do it so i told him ill see him 2morrow and that was basically the past 4 days ill update wed