Name: Furu. >O
Nickname(s): Furu...
Age: 15
Likes: Drawing, reading, comics, animation, being lazy, baked potatoes, baby cannons, sleep, internets
Dislikes: The dark, blinding colours, annoying people, doing work and stuff
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, internets
Talents: Drawing
Pet peeves: when folk supaa!fangirl over characters/pairings in very obsessive, annoying ways, stating the obvious, posing as a social label in stereotypical ways [Ya know, when people are like "im gothic!!1!! i worship s@t@n and drink aminal blod!111!!"], and probably a bunch of other crap. D:
Strong points: Making people happy, drawing
Weak points: Um. Being stupid...?
Favourite food: BAKED POTATOES.
Favourite colour: Black. I like pastel colours, too. :x
Mature or immature: ... A mix of both. xD
Who is your favourite character? Why? Minto! Because... Minto is just... the win. Dx And cute and... TEA.
Anything else? ... I like cupcakes.