Merlin 3.07

Oct 24, 2010 13:35

Someone should explain to Arthur, that throwing things at Merlin doesn't make his feelings for him go away.

And someone should explain TPTB that throwing things isn't funny. Even if you make the character that gets things thrown at them grin. It might be funny the first time, but a running gag has actually be a gag, you know.

Morgana smirking in front of everyone! Oh yeah.

And was I the only one who had a problem with Gwen being all "OHNOESHELPHELPHELPICAN'THELPMYSELF!"? I mean, Remember, you're a blacksmith's daughter, Gwen. You know all this stuff from birth. You can handle a sword. I think all this love business is making you dumb.

But, how brilliant was that scene between Merlin and Morgana in the woods? And I'm not even being sarcastic here. That was one of the most brilliant scenes the show had since series 2. Colin nailed it. Really nailed it. I don't even know who wrote that, it must've been a fluke.

Yeah. I have to remember that it's a kid's show, and some people think children are stupid and the stories have to be like this. And everything has to be so over the top. Argh.

But yeah, all four actors are doing the best job they can with the kind of scripts they're getting, IMO. And Katie got better. The over the top smirking certainly isn't her fault anyway.

And I love the little interaction the characters sometimes have. I mean, they interact, but they don't really interact with each other. Like, nobody ever asked Morgana what happened in the one year she was missing. But the honest talking they sometimes do, like Gwen and Elyan in the cell. That is just brilliant <3

PS: Why is Elyan not riding with Gwen, but with Merlin on one horse? ;D

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tv: merlin

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