So bored! Following
unanon's example.
1. What time did you get up this morning? Before the flipping sun, which is so not right. *pouts*
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds = Shiny!
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? *thinks* Oh! Nanny McPhee.
4. What are your favorite TV shows? Right now? The only one I have watched religiously is Dancing with the Stars. *votes Stacy*
5. What did you have for breakfast? Blueberry scone and hazelnut latte.
6.What is your middle name? Like I'm really going to tell you. You won't pronounce it correctly and then I'll be mad. :P
7 What is your favorite food? *stares* I'm supposed to have a favorite? Hmm. Seafood.
8. What foods do you dislike? Pork. Ham. Bacon. Pig of any variety, though I will eat sausage every blue moon.
9. Your favorite Potato chip? Salt and vinegar. Mmm, sour. *yums*
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Again with the favorite. Yeesh. Right now I'm listening to everything from Enya to Sister Hazel to accompaniment tapes.
11. What kind of car do you drive? My uncle's big white truck. *grins*
12. Favorite sandwich? Turkey and artichoke.
13. What characteristics do you despise in a person? Hypocritical, judgmental people who care more about what others think than is healthy.
14. Favorite item of clothing? Worn-out, soft and somewhat stretchy jeans.
15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Ireland.
16. What color is your bathroom? Sand-colored with white trim.
18. Where would you want to retire to? I like moving around too much to settle for one place. In high school I daydreamed about moving to Colorado, in college southern California or New Mexico, now I'm very content with central Arkansas. Most of the time. *shrugs*
19. Favorite time of day? Sleeping time.
20. Where were you born? Georgia.
21. Favorite sport to watch? Equestrian anything - jump, hunt, dressage.
24. What laundry detergent do you use? Arm & Hammer I think, but as I only give my grandmother money to buy the detergent and wash the clothes I can't be sure.
25. Coke or Pepsi? Umm. Neither.
26. Are you a morning person or night owl? Closer to night owl. *hates mornings*
27. What size shoe do you wear? 6.
28. Do you have pets? One cat.
29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone?
Phoenix Rising30. What did you want to be when you were little? Teacher, veterinarian, marine biologist, choreographer, raiser of show dogs/horses/whatever animal I was into at the time.
31. Favorite Candy Bar? Coffee flavored Kit Kat.
32. What are your best childhood memories? Watching my little brother play baseball, basketball and soccer; the big family trips to Sanibel Island and Breckenridge; playing with my dog and teaching her different tricks; summers spent under the huge, droopy tree we pretended was our 'house'.
33. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Retail clerk, retail manager, health insurance minion, vocal coach.
34. What color underwear are you wearing? ...why?
35. Nicknames: Jen, Jenni, Jen-Jen, Sis, Kitty (my mother wanted desperately to name me Katherine).
36. Piercings? Ears.
37. Eye color? Blue, which is starting to turn hazel. *pouts*
38. Ever been to Africa? Not yet.
39. Ever been toilet papering? No. I've helped neighbors clean up though.
There is no # 40.
41. Been in a car accident? No.
42. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons.
43. Favorite day of the week? Friday, it's the only day I feel remotely productive.
44. Favorite restaurant? Purple Cow.
45. Favorite flower? Star-gazer lily.
46. Favorite ice cream? None. It hurts my teeth, but when I'm feeling brave I'll eat a bit of vanilla.
47. Disney or Warner Bros? Both?
48. Favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-fil-a. Waffle fries.
49. What color is your bedroom carpet? Beige-y sand.
50. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None. :D
52. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? A tie between The Limited and Barnes & Noble. Possibly Warren's (shoes) as well.
53. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read, type, redecorate, attempt to draw. ;)
54. *eats*
55. Last person(s) you went to dinner with? Ryann and Kim.
56. What are you listening to right now? Horrible not-really-retro-but-they-call-it-retro music. Sometimes they play some Billy Joel or Elton John and I think of my brother.
57. What is your favorite color? Purple. Or green. Maybe blue. Sometimes pale yellow. And silver. With different shades of brown. And a bit of pink or red.
58. How many tattoos do you have? None. Skin sags eventually.
59. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The egg. *nods*
60. <----OMG...EL JAY!
61. *eats*
62. Hugs or Kisses? CHOCOLATE! *eats*
63. When was the last time you cried? I get teary-eyed at a good Hallmark commercial. I don't keep track of tears anymore. ;)
64. When was the last time you called your mother? I see her just about every morning as we carpool in to work together.
65. Do you ever wish upon a star? Sometimes.
66. What is your favorite scent? Bergamot; 'seashore'; lavender; mowed grass/hay; coffee; the combination of horses, leather, sweat and dust.