(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 21:30

~*All About Yourself*~ ~*Basics*~ What's your real name?: Jessica Do you like it?: i like Jess better, but yeah What does it mean?:  "wealthy, fun, friendly (hebrew)" What is/are your nickname(s)?: Jess, Jessylou, Jessi How old are you?: 15 Gender?: chica Birthplace?:  St. Jose, which is in pontiac i think? Birthdate?: august 16, 1990 You currently live in?: watertucky  You currently live with?: mom, dad, and my brother  Do you have brothers &/or sisters?: uno hermano, dos hermanas Hair color?: idk lol, blondish brownish  Eye color?: brown :)  Heigth?: 5'8" Contacts/glasses?: both  Hobbies?: dancing, singing (on my own time), spending time w/friends, shopping, etc  Do you play sports?: i dance n play golf  What room are you in right now?: my room  What time is it?: 10:05 pm Are you listening to music?: mhmm If so what is it?: starting line- bedroom talk Do you have any piercings?: 3 in each ear, wanting my belly :( Tatoos?: nope ~*School*~ School name?: waterford mott Mascot?: a pirate :) aye Grade?: 10 Colors?: blue, blue, and white Favorite subject?: spanish Least favorite subject?: math Have you ever failed a class?: noooope If so what?: ^  Favorite teacher?: this year its prolly... Deroo i guess Least favorite teacher?: Fromm If you could have any teacher fired,who would it be?: Hmm... Lindemulder. If you were a teacher,what subject would you teach?: Piano, ha Are you going to college?: mhmm If so,which one?: donno yet  What are you going to major in?: cosmetolegy hopefully What do you want your carrer to be?: cosmetolegist ~*Favorites*~ Color?: blue Type of music?: rock  Song?:  probly... Hello Lonely, Mood Rings & Bedroom Talk Group?: no idea Boy band?: ^ Girl band?: ^  Cd?: donno Video?: Peter Pan (old one) :) Vacation spot?: mexico  Place to hang out?: house, movies, mall  Holiday?: it used to be christmas but it just makes me sad now, so maybe valentine's day Season?: summer Day of the week?: friday Sport?: idk  Sport to watch?: basketball  Family member?: my mom, sisters, and aunts Store?: hollister Hair style?(for guys): shaggy but neat n flippy Hair style?(for girls): whatever looks good on them  Website?: prolly this Country?: US Smell?: victoria's secret basic instinct, or refuge  Food?: too many nummy things Drink?: hmm chocolate malts Car?: iii dunno :) out of the ones i own its definitely my dad's Vet  SUV?: Lexus  Place to make out?: beach :) Name?: ...dunno  Kind of book?: fiction Planet?: saturn Sandwich?: fried bologna  Joke?: Poem?: donno Color of clothing?: turquoise blue Word?: i have a few: bologna, ginormous, and gigantamongous  Animal?: monkey  Pet?: puppy Radio station?: 88.7 TV station?: abc, mtv  Electrically powered device?: cell, :) duhhh Quote?: "You are never given a wish
without being given the power to make it come true." Quote about love?: "Love is a decision not an emotion or feeling,
that if made from the heart will outlast anything"  Swear word?: none thank you very much :-P  Thing to do on a hot day?: tan and swim with friends  On a cold day?: cuddle up and watch movies  On a rainy day?: dance in the rain of course Number?: 33 Color of M & M?: red  Tree?: crab apple  Disney movie?: peter pan Street name?: Memory Lane (i've actually seen that)  Soda?: hmm idk Magazine?: Style, Hairstyles Guide, CG Cologne: idk wat its called lol Perfume?: didnt i already say that? Coin?: dime Footbal team?: dont care :)  Gum?: orbit  Starburst?: red  Jolly Rancher?: watermelon  Weather?: warm n sunny Vegetable?: carrots  Shape?: swirley  Actor/Actress?: hmm dunno  Computer game?: ffr Ice cream flavor?: chocolate chip cookie dough Board game?: scrabble  Cereal?: kid's krunch  Island?: caribbean Athlete?: i dunno  Language?: English cuz i kno it  ~*Relationships*~ Are you going out with any one?: mhmm If so who?: jordannn How long?: like 1 1/2 weeks-ish? Do you have a crush?: mhmm If so who?: him! lol How long have you liked them?: oh gosh Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?: scotty boy Who was your first kiss?: coopa Have you ever been dumped?: mhmm Have you ever dumped?: mhmm Do you want to get married?: mhmm If so what age?: when im ready If everyone was single and everyone eligible who would you go out with?: the person im already with :) ~*Do you know anyone who---*~ Drinks underage?(how many): lots Smokes?(how many): a few Does drugs?(how many): a few Lost their virginity?(how many): a few Worships the devil?(how many): uhh none Hates slurpies?(how many): thats...weird Is a compulsive masturbator?(how many): lol thats weird too Likes the smell of dog poop?(how many): hahaha i donno Is crazy(realy crazy)?: yeah plenty :) Hates you?: mm mayb Loves you(besides family mambers)?: i dunno, u guys can tell me :) Likes to watch porno?: like 5 Got caught watching porno?: ? Eats dog food?: hah one ~*Would you ever*~ Eat bugs on purpose?: no Commit a crime?: ya Change your religion?: no Lie to your parents?: idk Jump off a waterfall?: ya Dress up as the opposite sex?: lol for fun Sing in front of a lot of people?: sure Have sex in front of a lot of people?: no Tell a much older person you liked them?: no Eat dog/cat food?: no Swim in shark infested waters?: have before, sooo scary Go to school naked?: omgsh no ~*Have you ever*~ Lied to your parents about something really important?: no Have your life threatened?: no Stumbled across top secret documents?: no Stayed up until morning chatting online?: of course Read a Shakespeare play?: mhmm Performed in a Shakespeare play?: parts Written a play?: no Written a book?: no Stole someone else's book and said you wrote it?: no Written a poem?: yeah Stole a poem and said you wrote it?: no Talked in your sleep?: ha ya If so what did you say?: how would i know? lol Sung at a karaoke bar?: nope Been run over. . .by a bike?: nope Been run over. . .by a car?: nope Been run over. . .by a remote controlled car?: i think so Wanted someone you couldn’t have?: mhmm Shoplifted?: nope Admitted to something that you know would hurt you?: yea Taken incriminating pictures?: hu? Been in incriminating pictures?: hu?  Blackmailed someone?: no, but ive wanted to before  ~*Which one*~: Plastic or paper bag?: plastic Carpeted or wood floor?: carpeted  Paint or wallpaper?: paint E-mail or snail mail?: e-mail Sunrise or sunset?: sunset Lake or ocean?: ocean Walk or run?: walk Water skiing or regular skiing?: water skiing Golf or mini golf?: both Gold or silver?: silver Phone or computer?: phone  Black & white or colored?: colored Stripes or plaid?: stripes Knock or doorbell?: doorbell :)  Vanilla or chocolate?: chocolate Laugh or cry?: laugh Whisper or scream?: whisper Happy or sad?: happy ~*We're almost done*~ And now what time is it?: 11:24 So how long did this take you?: soo long... since 10:01  Was it too long?: definitely Was it a pain in the butt?: mhmm Take this survey | Find more surveys
You've been totally Bzoink*d
we lost the varsity game n in my opinion we were really off on the dance but wadda you expect since we just learned it so it doesnt matter. stayed home until 10:30 this morning cuz my tummy was acting up again. nothing else exciting. tomorrow i get to hang out with the love of my life... sarahbear!! lol :) ...i miss her :(. but i wont after tomorrow! lol. and this weekend kaitlyn and i wanna have a chicas sleepover at someone's house... maybe the terrific twelve thing :) or bowling. any ideas anyone? comments are always nice :)
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