
Jan 05, 2005 21:48

this is a dumb idea, but i think im going to start keeping a real journal. screw dumb livejournal. i wont write in it every day about dumb things like what i ate for lunch or how this huge zit on my chin wont go away. no no. it will be a journal for feelings, and very deep thoughts. i find myself caught up in a lot of those lately, and what better ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

xalmostawesomex January 6 2005, 11:27:34 UTC
i love when i DO get to talk to you, melissa bragg.
i'm never at your table when we actually DO get assigned to a match together... but before is perrrdy fun :) you always make me laugh.

get started on that journal girl fran.
i expect BIG things from that brain of yours! ;)



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