It's been an interesting two weeks.
The interactive side of my company (we develop web sites) consists of three people: my boss, myself and another developer. Last week and this week, my co-worker has been on vacation. Last week, my boss and I put two sites live, including one that had some technical challenges. But they're live, and the clients are happy.
So, the big project this week is a site that I thought was going into beta on Monday. It turns out, I was slightly mistaken. It's going live on Monday. Amidst a media circus.
So, we scheduled a big push day for today: we came in at 8:30 and left at 11:00. Two of the designers stayed around with us to help us with graphics.
I've now spent three days building master pages and starting on components. We still have a fair amount of custom content to do. We're probably going to be working on Saturday.
The site? I'd rather not say. We're actually under an NDA for the content, as it involves things that will be announced on Monday. I will say, it involves some stuff that's been in the news. I'll post on Monday what it is. If I'm still alive. If the site doesn't crash and burn under the deluge of traffic.
Nope, not going to panic.