Game of Thrones
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I kept waaaaiting for the bear pit and i figured they were leaving it until the end, but still, as much as i was mostly entertained by the rest of this episode, i did a lot of WHEN ARE WE GETTING TO THE BEAR PIT. Even before that though, oh my god, Jaime and Brienne saying an emotional goodbye, Jaime promising to complete her mission, ARE YOU KIDDING ME
My knowledge of what would happen in the bear pit evolved over the course of the season through clips from the promos: at first i thought it was just Brienne in the bear pit, then oh no it's Brienne AND Jaime in the bear pit, then with the promo last week, no it's Brienne in the bear pit and JAIME JUMPING IN OF HIS OWN FREE WILL?!?!?!? WOW. WOWWWWWW. AND THEN HE HELPS HER GET OUT AND SHE HELPS HIM GET OUT AND THEN THEY HIGH FIVE AND DROP THE MIC
Hahaha mutual rescues from mortal peril are my favorite thing, hahaaaaaaa i'm gonna hyperventilate into a paper bag
Hilariously enough this reminds me of one of my favorite scenes from The New Batman Adventures when Batman was thrown into a giant cat pit and Catwoman jumped in to save him. BRIENNE IS BATMAN!!!! JAIME IS CATWOMAN!!!!!!!! MY HEART IS VERY FULL IN THIS MOMENT
Do Jaime and Brienne have a posse now??! That standoff with Locke at the end was amazing. This was the last major Jaime/Brienne event i was aware of (because everybody insists on saying things like "I can't wait for ______!") so from here i have no idea what to expect from their storyline. I hope there is a vast departure from the books and they just start making out.
Did Theon seriously just get castrated??!? Jesus fucking christ! I hate the guy, but... yikes. Anyway i'm still incredibly tired of these torture scenes, they grind the show to a dead halt. I can stand all the miserable stuff that happens when it happens to further the story, but this shit has become unpleasantness for the sake of unpleasantness.
I have a baaaaaaad feeling about the Robb storyline. Great idea, let's keep piling on the slights to Walder Frey, who gives a shit about that guy! Meanwhile Edmure is betrothed to the Frey girl, Talisa is pregnant, AND I'M SURE NOTHING AT ALL IS GOING TO GO WRONG WITH ANY OF IT
Speaking of Talisa, Robb/Talisa is grossing me out more than ever -- they just seem like a black hole of chemistry. Somehow greasy post-coital Robb was really disgusting to me. idk :/
But i thought Jon/Ygritte was a lot better this week! "What's 'swooning'? ... What's 'fainting'? ... Why would a girl see blood and collapse? ... Girls see more blood than boys." YGRITTE :D
In what is becoming a pattern of wonderful Sansa and Margaery scenes, i loved the Sansa and Margaery scene. Tyrion is actually not a bad dude for Sansa to be betrothed to! I just wish there weren't such an age and romantic-interest gap. :/
I've been so stressed for the past couple weeks, confident that there was no one left who could beat him but extremely worried that something would happen out of left field and he'd get knocked out before the end. After Andrea got voted out (WHICH WAS AMAZING, like i liked her and she was smart and crafty but she was also playing really aggressively and was a huge threat) there was really no one left that seemed like they could beat Cochran, plus he's the only person i've been rooting for the whole season. But leading up to the finale it started to make me think "NO, THIS IS TOO EASY, SOMETHING TERRIBLE IS GOING TO HAPPEN, HE'S GONNA GET VOTED OUT AT FINAL FOUR OR SOME SHIT." So the entire finale was one relief after another. Here's Cochran winning both individual challenges and final immunity! Here's Cochran utterly charming the jury! Here's Cochran winning the entire game in a unanimous vote!!!!!!! The student has truly become the master. I remember when Cochran was first introduced and made Jeff call him by his last name because he wanted to be like Jeff's classic buddies and i was like "who the fuck does this embarrassing dweeb think he is?" And yet now he's totally earned his Survivor name.
Man, that's two seasons in a row where my favorite player actually won! WINNER'S EDITS!!!!
Dawn's histrionics did get pretty irritating, but i still wanted Cochran to take her to the end because those two had stayed loyal to each other through the whole game. Voting her out would've been needlessly screwing over his main ally when he could easily beat her anyway.
Erik getting med-evaced was brutal. On the one hand, i'm glad he got taken out because he probably would have been the biggest threat in those final challenges, but maaaannn, three days until the end of the game?!? That is such a kick in the nuts!
Up until final tribal, i liked Brenda (i really don't remember much about her from her first season except that she was a jerk) and the family reward thing was a bunch of bullshit. The producers were just actively punishing the person who won the challenge. It's pretty cruel that it got her voted out on top of that, but at the same time it was that challenge garnering her a lot of sympathy combined with the fact that she was really good at challenges AND the fact that she was gunning for Cochran, all creating a perfect storm of her being a threat that needed to be taken out. So it makes complete logical sense, it's just unfortunate that the surrounding events made it seem really mean on an emotional level. The way the general audience apparently turned Brenda into a saint and Dawn into the most despicable villain in the history of the game is pretty gross. :/ IT'S! A! GAAAAAAME! Cochran's reasoning to the jury about that move was awesome. (but ALL of Cochran's reasoning to the jury was awesome.)
Sherri's jury performance was awful to watch. Part of the reason i hate the final three is that the third person tends to be a useless goat, but in cases like this it just piles on the humiliation as well. The way she choked on her opening statement made me think "aaahhh yep, that's what would happen to me." Bad memories of school presentations there. Ouch.
Eddie finally became entertaining in this episode! Self-awareness that he's an idiot! EMT knowledge! Combination dog park/bar! Total puzzle failure! Oh, Eddie.
I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT COCHRAN!!!!!!!!! I knew he would do great in final tribal, but the way he was logical and well-spoken but also funny and personable and gave everybody exactly the answers they wanted without being desperate or pandering about it -- it was absolutely masterful. And aside from the Erik and Sherri throwdown (??!?!) and Dawn and Brenda uncomfortable weirdness, it seemed like overall the jury was pretty good-natured. Even when they were being mean to Dawn, she was able to laugh about it and it looked like they were having fun. I hate bitter juries, i love when people can get over their personal betrayals and appreciate another person's gameplay. I especially liked Andrea's attitude, like "yeah, you guys got me! with a hidden immunity idol in my pocket! that's awesome." :D
COCHRAN LOOKED SO CUTE AT THE REUNION SHOW. His glasses!!! omg i have a gross crush on Cochran, hahahaaaaaaa cover model for Non-Threatening Boys Magazine. Plus, wow, i wish i could be an awkward person who is smart and hilarious and pushes themselves into becoming confident and comfortable with themselves! Instead i am just awkward and dim-witted and self-loathing, WOW, great formula for success there
I thought it was super weird that they didn't bring the entire season cast onto the stage at the reunion, and in fact ignored them completely. I guess that had to do with Brandon (and i am SUPER glad they didn't talk about that at all) but it still seemed weird that Boston Rob and Rudy and fucking Richard Hatch got segments but not half the players from this season. Jeff barely even talked to most of the players on-stage! I always want the reunions to be better than they are. :/