*Are you a virgin? no
*Age of First Kiss? Real kiss? 8th grade, at Playland
*Age you first masturbated? High School...14 or 15
*Age you first had been fingered/had a hand-job? 14
*Age first had recieved oral sex? 16
*Age first given oral sex? 16, apparantly not too well
*Age lost virginity? 15
*Favorite sex position? when I'm not a lazy ass...me on top
*Do you make booty calls? yup
*Have you responded to a booty call? yea
*Had sex with a member of the same sex? yes
*Had oral sex? yes
*Had anal sex? yes
*Had sex with someone you met online? No
*Had sex with someone you met on MySpace? Isn't myspace "online"? (I'm gonna echo Erin on that one.)
*Kissed anyone you met on MySpace? No
*The last time you had sex was? Sunday night.
*The last time you fooled around with someone? Monday morning
*Had cyber sex? yes
*Kissed a member of the same sex? yup
*Number of memebers you kissed of the same sex is? with tongue...4
*Kissed in public? yes
*Used more than 3 positions in one session? yup
*Devoted a whole day to sex? yup
*Had noise complaints from neighbors during a sex session? surprisingly...no
*Received open praise for sexual technique? yes
*Fallen or lost balance during sex? yes...laughing ensued
*Brought partner to climax using only hands? yup
*Brought partner to climax using only mouth? yes
*Had sex while totally dressed? yes
*Had sex while standing up? no
*Had sex in the kitchen? no
*Had sex in your bedroom? yes
*Had sex in the laundry room? no
*Had sex in your bed? yes
*Had sex in your parents bed? no, but his parents bed
*Had sex on a table? no
*Had sex in a bathroom? yes
*Had sex during a party? i don't think so
*Had drunkin sex? yup
*Exotically licked feet or sucked toes? nope
*Exotically likced someone's nipple? all the time
*Had sex during her/your "monthly visit"? yes
*Used whipped cream/soft chocolate erotically? no
*Used ice erotically? no...although altoids have an interesting effect
*Used hot melted wax erotically? no, i don't even use hot wax non-erotically
*Shaved your pubic hair? yes, but lately I just keep it trimmed nicely
*Used a sex toy? yes
*Own a sex toy? yes
*Used an inanimate object (bottle, candle, etc.)? ...yes
*Obtained money or a favor for sex? no
*Paid or granted a favor for sex? no
*Given sex in sympathy? yes...mutually
*Had sex with a virgin? we were both virgins the first time, but that's not quite the same
*Ever cheated on someone? just kissing, but yeah
*Been with someone 10 years older/younger than you? no
*Had sex with your best friend of the opposite sex? yes
*What is the most you've done with them? umm...have sex....wtf?
*Had sex with just a friend? yes
*Had sex with anothers mate? no
*Had sex with a teacher? no
*Had sex with a boss? no
*Had sex with a relative? no, ew.
*Had sex with a pet? No and EW! (ditto)
*Had sex with someone the same day that you met them? no
*Had sex with someone whose name you didn't know? only if you count the last name
*Had sex with someone you never spoke to/spoke different languages? no
*Had more than 20 sexual partners? no
*Had more than 10 sexual partners? no
*Had more than 5 sexual partners? yes
*Had more than 3 sexual partners? yes
*Had two separate sexual partners within 24 hours? i believe so
*Made out with more than 20 different people? actually no
*Fooled around with more than 20 different people? no
*Fooled around with more than 10 different people? no
*Had a menage-a-trois? no
*Had group sex (more than 3)? no
*Participated in a swap/swinging club? no
*Had two regular partners at the same time? sort of
*Had sex in a public place? yes
*Had sex outdoors in broad daylight? yes
*Had sex on the roof of a building? no
*Had sex in a stationary car? oral
*Had sex in a taxi cab? no
*Had sex in a moving car? oral
*Are you a member of the mile high club? no
*Had sex outdoors at night? yes
*Had two sexual partners at the same time unaware of each other? no
*Had sex in the host's bedroom while a day guest (party/social visit)? no
*Had sex in the host's bedrom while an overnight guest? no
*Had sex in a public room while an overnight guest? yes
*Had sex at your office or other work area? no
*Met partner during work hours to have sex? does during school hours count?
*Had sex in a public restroom? no
*Had sex on public transportation (bus, train, taxi, etc.)? no
*Had sex in a dark theatre? never got as far as sex
*Had sex in the water (ocean, lake, pool, hot tub)? tried...doesn't work too well
*Had sex in an elevator? no
*Had sex in a cemetery? no
*Had sex in a store dressing room? no
*Used alcohol to lower your resistance to sexual advances? yes
*Allowed yourself to be felt up by a stranger? no
*Felt a stranger up? no
*Looked at a nude magazine? yup
*Looked at an explicit magazine? yup
*Watched a porno? yes
*Look at porn online? yes
*Seen a live stripper? no
*Seen a live sex show? no
*Watched someone having sex without their knowledge? no
*Showered with a partner? yes
*Bathed with someone? yes
*Flashed someone? yes
*Streaked with a group of six or more? no
*Stripped for someone? yes
*Stripped for a group of 3 or more? yes
*Participated at a nude beach or nudist camp? no
*Been the only nude person in a group of 3 or more? no, Declan was always naked first.
*Played strip poker (or a similar game involving nudity)? Sexy Parties! Best time this summer!
*Showered while someone watched? yes
*Masturbated? yes
*Masturbated while someone watched? yes
*Masturbated for a group of three or more people? no
*Masturbated covertly in public? yes
*Masturbated while on the phone? yes
*The last time you masturbated while on the phone? it's been a while
*Masturbated while watching someone on cam? yes
*The last time you masturbated while watching someone on cam? again, a while...my cam died
*Masturbated to someone's picture? no
*Had sex while you knew someone was watching? no
*Been walked in on while having sex? yup
*Walked in on someone else having sex? no
*Had phone sex? yeah, lame
*Watched a porno film with a sexual partner? yes
*Been the photographer for a nude photo? yes
*Been photographed nude? yes
*Been photographed having sex? by ourselves...a little awkward
*Been videotaped having sex? no
*Watched a regular sexual partner having sex with someone else? no
*Did this quiz make you horny? nope.