
Dec 04, 2011 14:26

OOC Information:
Name: Fortuna
Personal Journal: fortunadraken
AIM: SkyDream16
Plurk: FortunaDraken
Other Characters: Nadda

IC Information:
Character Name: Link
Canon: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Canon Point: Just before heading into the Dark Realm
Age: Twelve (headcanon approximation)

House: Heimdall
Power: Damage Drain

Personality: In the general scheme of "a Zelda gets captured and a Link goes to save" type thing, this particular Link is a little different. Not only just because instead of the whole MUST SAVE PRINCESS thing, it's more "must get Zelda's body back", and not just because it'll stop her hitting him with the giant Phantom sword. It's the underlying reason behind the whole save the world deal with the Spirit Tracks.

That aside, Link is a lot more easy-going for the hero type. Many Links before have been more of the stoic or unknowing kinds, but this Link is exceedingly friendly, willing to go out of his way to say hello and interested in just about everything going on in Hyrule. He still won't stand for innocent people getting hurt, and all the enemies in his way will be getting a serving of butt-whooping from his sword. But he's also very friendly and happy to go out of his way to help people, even if it kind of delays what he really should be doing. Link can't say no to a cry for help, something that seems to run in common with his ghostly companion. No matter what happens, if someone needs help, Link will give it, no matter how long or difficult the quest! He has energy to spare, and the enthusiasm comes across loud and clear. Because even though one never hears him talk, the reactions he gives and the way people respond to his answers gives the clear impression: Link is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy.

He's also stubborn as hell. Once he's made up his mind, it's nearly impossible to change it. Once he's started something, he will never quit! Even against overwhelming odds, he'll charge on in and usually get away with it unscratched…or sometimes very scratched but still successful, eventually. Even when the odds are against him in a boss fight, or people tell him he's too young to become an Engineer, he will plough ahead and surprise everyone by succeeding and reaching his goal.

Link's a loyal friend, even to those he barely knows, as seen when, mere minutes after meeting Zelda for the first time, he tries to protect her from the darkness. And when she ends up being a ghostly spirit, he agrees to help her. He also calms her down, as the thought of the Demon King in her body kind of creeps Zelda out. But Link often helps put her mind at ease about everything and make her smile again. And despite Zelda's occasional wild mood swings (such as the first time she finds out about the whole body possession thing - scary Zelda was scary), he puts up with her, making him a very steadfast friend. No matter what happens, Link will never let his friends down.

An unusual thing about him, but Link also seems to be overly curious about everything. This can explain his habit of hunting down every treasure chest in dungeons and breaking every pot in sight for treasure. The things you find! He's also very intelligent, from solving the puzzles the temples keep throwing at him (stupid Ocean Temple and its' bells) to getting Zelda to help him out when she's possessing a Phantom that's immune to the lava that they need to cross. Weapons he can learn to use very easily, and he has a talent for working out how to play music on the Spirit Flute. There's not much he comes across that manages to stump him for too long.

There's also his fearlessness, but one has to wonder whether it's really that or Zelda he's more afraid of. But he doesn't have any trouble driving his train around those Bomb Trains or diving into Temples with little preparation, or walking straight into rooms with traps. One could argue it borders the line between fearlessness and recklessness, but no one can argue against the fact that Link has a lot of courage for someone his age and size.

Network Sample: Link! An opening post when Link first arrived in the underwater prison, Marina Asylum. He was greeted by Princess Zelda...Ocarina of Time Zelda, that is.

Log Sample: Sample re-used from another app. Setting is the game Marina Asylum, an underwater prison.

The device on his head was a foreign thing, and the words made no sense to him. Criminal? He wasn't a criminal, he was supposed to be saving the world and helping the princess get her body back. It made no sense to imprison him like this...

Link frowned, head on a hand and trying to work this out. His weapons had been taken from him, and all he really had left was the Spirit Flute, which wasn't much use. Although at least if he saw Zelda, she wouldn't be upset with him about losing it. He lifted his head and looked over said flute. He had no idea what this place was...or even where it was. Underwater made him think of the Ocean Temple, but this certainly wasn't one of the rooms he'd seen before. Unless he'd missed it somehow, but he was sure he'd looked everywhere...

He sighed and lifted the flute, playing one of the tunes he'd learned while travelling around the realms. Maybe he could think of some way to get home while he was playing..., not really working for him. "This doesn't make any sense!" he groaned, resisting the urge to go hit his head on something. He was in prison for small, tiny little crimes while the Tower of Spirits was barely holding itself together and the Demon King was about to return.

How was he going to get himself out of this one?

*application, !ooc, #asgard eventide

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