-She runs over to Ed with tears in her eyes, almost in hysterics-
" I'M SO SORRY ED-NII-SAN!! I JUST THOUGHT HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND AND THATS ALL I WANTED AND THEN WE WANTED TO HAVE A WEDDING AND PEOPLE GOT MAD AT US AND MADE SKETCH ANGRY AND..AND.. And I wish none of this had ever ever happened.. maybe I should go back home to Daddy!! I'm so sorry!!"
-She almost has trouble breathing she's crying so much
"It's good you found someone you really like being with, Nina. It's just that, yer so young and you haven't gotten t'know him better yet. You need to wait it out and see how you grow up and everything first. You have too many things in front of you to decide on somethin' so big already."
-She is a little bit more calm now and nods through her tears, she's still shaking and very pale though-
"O-Okay. Can he still be my boyfriend and hold my hand? Is that okay? Important things like finding a way back home..where Daddy isn't scary..will Sketch be angry?"
"Sure he can. I'm not saying you two can't hang out with each other. I'm saying you two need to grow first and be able to develop before you decide t'do this."
He shrugs. "Sketch might be upset, but if he loves you as much as he claims, he'll accept it."
Comments 19
" I'M SO SORRY ED-NII-SAN!! I JUST THOUGHT HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND AND THATS ALL I WANTED AND THEN WE WANTED TO HAVE A WEDDING AND PEOPLE GOT MAD AT US AND MADE SKETCH ANGRY AND..AND.. And I wish none of this had ever ever happened.. maybe I should go back home to Daddy!! I'm so sorry!!"
-She almost has trouble breathing she's crying so much
"Hey. Calm down, breathe."
Taking out a handkerchief, he offers it to Nina.
"It's good you found someone you really like being with, Nina. It's just that, yer so young and you haven't gotten t'know him better yet. You need to wait it out and see how you grow up and everything first. You have too many things in front of you to decide on somethin' so big already."
"O-Okay. Can he still be my boyfriend and hold my hand? Is that okay? Important things like finding a way back home..where Daddy isn't scary..will Sketch be angry?"
-She still hugs him and talks into his coat-
"Sure he can. I'm not saying you two can't hang out with each other. I'm saying you two need to grow first and be able to develop before you decide t'do this."
He shrugs. "Sketch might be upset, but if he loves you as much as he claims, he'll accept it."
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