Oct 16, 2009 11:07
- 07:08 @ gregory_geiger go back to sleep you heathen! #
- 07:12 I've followed celebs seperately, adding because I'm a fan of each. Turns out most follow each other. Is Twitter that incestuous? #
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Oct 15, 2009 11:04
- 13:29 David. Lunch with Rick. Good time had by all. He said to tell you hi. #
- 16:54 My day: training. Writing. Lunch. Nap. Hike to watch salmon. Training. Drive home. What an amazing day! #
- 07:17 Home again. Sweetie's sick. Time to take more vitamin C, I guess. #
- 08:50 God it's humid today. Blech! #
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Oct 12, 2009 11:04
- 15:16 The great thing about my promotion: my friends and Sarah. Love & support. The hard thing about my promotion: my friends being honest. Heh. #
- 18:10 Birthday party for a friend and then D&D goodness. #
- 08:42 @ RyanMacklin Did you give Mr. Wheaton a disease? #
- 09:18 Just need to get through today and then Tahoe for two days. #
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Oct 11, 2009 11:02
- 12:36 Slept off and in tl noon. Feling better but hungry. Guess sometimes sleep is all you need. #
- 21:15 Wow. The Last Dragon is really bad. Really. #
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Oct 10, 2009 11:02
- 21:29 Sushi with my mates and then home to sleep. Perchance to dream? #
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Oct 08, 2009 11:02
- 13:25 It's an amazing science show that uses a clip from Army of Darkness to show the theory of spagettification. #
- 16:42 @ gregory_geiger it's on the science channel. Unfolding universe or something. #
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Oct 07, 2009 11:03
- 11:18 Off to the dentist. Yay! :P #
- 13:48 @ warrenellis Could you do a bit of dusting? #
- 16:59 @ paulandstorm Boxers or briefs? #
- 17:45 Wow. This is what only half an hour of OT feels like. #
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Oct 05, 2009 11:04
- 19:25 About to see the Toy Story double feature. In a 3D that I can't see. Ah well. #
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