Speaking of Anya, I bought Anya and Tara dolls today! $3.99 each! Happy. Went to the best store ever. Buffy/Angel dolls everywhere. 6" Buffy, lots of different Faiths, OMWF Anya, Tara, Wesley, Lorne, Darla, ugly Spike, 12" Buffy, Doppelgangland Willow, Xander, Oz, ugly vamp Spike, VampBuffy, Vamp Willow. And also Reaver dolls from Serenity. It was the best day. Also my aunt's brother in law is friends with David "Mustard Guy" Fury and she got to speak to him on the phone. I told her she should have asked him to sing the mustard song.
Comments 4
Happy thanksgiving, love robin
Also my aunt's brother in law is friends with David "Mustard Guy" Fury and she got to speak to him on the phone. I told her she should have asked him to sing the mustard song.
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