Got from
delaese about the crosspost thing and a way around it.
Go to the main menu and click "Journal" then "Journal Style" then "Customize your theme" then "Custom CSS"
This will just show up as a large box, and should be either empty or be full of code.
If it's blank, just copy paste the code and click save
If it has code, skip down one space, copy paste the code and click save.
Here's what you need to paste:
/* ---FB-Twitter Comment Ticky Fix--- */
.b-repost-items, .b-repost-item, .b-repost-item IMG, #entry-form-wrapper .b-repost-item, b-repost-item-fb {
display: none;
.b-repost-item .repost_disabled {
color: #CCC;
display: none;
This should do the trick. Feel free to repost this and spread the word.