May 17, 2009 08:03
- @ demarhamilton Starsky and Hutch is pretty awesome. Not gonna lie. =) Do you have your own starsky and hutch to compliment your huggybear?
- im tweeting with demar about starsky and hutch. XD I am amused!! lol
- @ revii I think the entire album is amazing but that track is one of my favorites.
- i hate hate hate this project! no thats probably not love it if i had time to do it. as it is ive been working on it for an hour
- and i only have 9 measures done for 2 instruments out of the orchestra. >_> only two. And this is a full orchestral score im doing. =(
- @ revii I've pretty much had it on repeat since i downloaded it. Im kind of in love with it at the moment. =)
- @ mikamay ahahahhaha thats amazing!
- /o\
- i am kind of a moron >_>
- can i just say that I HATE the "youre too young to know what you want" argument that parents make.
- jfc, everytime i watch this show it gives me the motts. /o\
- i love it though. =D
- i long for something better than this.
- no. It doesnt even have to be better...i just want something different.