finished a new song tonight. it's about me, an ex-girlfriend, and an addiction.
i feel like i kind of captured the music that plays in my head everytime i start doing lines... i'm really happy with how the song ended up feeling like coke to me.
anyway... please let me know what you think.
Clinical Torment - "Candycaine"(right click, Save Target
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Comments 9
I like your song, makes me want that... uh. lmao. ???
and yeah, i did take your advice a bit on the stereo separation... though rather than just putting the vox in dead center, i just brought the left and right vocal channels in tighter. instead of 25% to the left and right, i made em more like 15% and it sounded a lot better.
its all about making your stuff easier to mix.
if you can identify where a sound is in a 3 dimensional plane, then its easier to make space for everything than with just the 2 dimentional options that panning gives you. isntead of just pushing everthing off to the side and having to fuss with your faders you can also push it farther away and closer.
heh. and if you're either still running into problems or just want a tighter and cleaner sound, you can then bust out the EQ and start dedicating frequencies to ceartain instruments.
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