Title: Pulling Out The Nails
zerda-vulpesFandom/Genre: Supernatural, The Bartimaeus Sequence/Humor, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel; background Sam/Jess; other background, minor pairings
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~58,000
Warnings: References to torture; deep psychological scarring; a lot of vehement and creative cursing; canon-level violence
Summary: Dean Winchester is the last general of a failing Resistance, and Castiel is the djinni sent to assassinate him. Given Castiel’s rebellious history, his master should have known better than to put him within a hundred miles of Dean. Together, they hatch a last desperate plan to end the tyranny of the magicians, and despite their obvious differences, find a peculiar salvation in one another. (Otherwise known as The Bartimaeus Sequence AU.)
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You can also read this fic on AO3. A Short Glossary + Author's Notes 1. Lawrence, 1983 2. Seneca State Forest, West Virgina, 2009 3. Negotiations 4. Tenterhooks 5. Ceasefire 6. Compassion 7. Division 8. Vengeance 9. Comfort 10. Lull 11. Trespass 12. Safe 13. Dominoes 14. Brace 15. Impact 16. Dismissal 17. Unbound 18. Stay Epilogue