So, I've decided I'm not taking the GRE. I will submit my application, in full, to Mizzou, and then I will see if they like me. If they want me and are just waiting for my GRE score, then I will explain to them how I have an IEP that says I should not take computer-based tests, that means the soonest I could take it is March 22 (it's only offered
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Comments 2
And the vocabulary section is beyond ridiculous but still necessary. It's the hardest section of the exam, as far as I'm concerned.
Is there any way to have the time limits altered or removed on the computer exam? It won't help you with the going-back-and-checking-answers part, but it would help with the anxiety.
All that said, send in your application and add a note explaining why you can't take any version of the GRE prior to March and call to ask if they care at all if you take it.
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