"danny... why dont you call me? and why dont you return my calls? do you remember when you told me that you could spend every day with me? what happened to those nights where we'd just lie in my car and talk for an hour before you kissed me goodnight? you were too good to be true. i dont understand why youre doing this, it came outta nowhere. and i dont want to be mistreated by you. but i still think about the days that we had together and all the fun that we had, and i really dont know why youre still with me, when i really dont think you care. its really fucked up what youve been doing to me these last few weeks. and when you do decide to answer your fucking phone, you can come up with crazy excuses as to why you dont answer when i know that you always have your phone. i thought you were great. but now i realize that you are what i called you from the beginning. a flirt. and i know youre not cheating on me, and i know theres not even another girl in the picture. but i just dont get it. and i dont want to lose you when i dont know or understand whats happening. this doesnt change anything. i want to know what youre thinking. i want to hear some real feelings behind the smile you always wear when im around."
i dunno... it doesnt feel fair, but i know things cant always be perfect, but it felt that way in the beginning.