[OOC: Stats & Permissions]

Jun 07, 2009 03:31

Age: 19
Height: Short!
Weight: She's probably on the low side of her weight scale, although her rather nice rack probably adds something.
Medical Info: Oruha is dead. Other than that, she's perfectly healthy.
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Black.

Physical Traits: See aforementioned rack. It is very nice and large. Oruha also has AMAZING hair. Just look at her icons and you'll see. She also has a clover on her chest like so. In the middle of that clover, however, is a scar from getting shot. There's a scar on her back as well from the exit wound.

What's Okay To Mention Around Her: Anything, really, except for her being fictional.

Abilities: Oruha is a singer and has an amazing voice.

Notes For The Psychics: Her mind is probably filled with thoughts of Kazuhiko and Suu and will probably be a pretty sad place to be for a little while, at least.

Can I Shapeshift/Bodyswap/Spit At/Step On/Etc.?: Talk to me!

Maim/Murder/Death: No.
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