Oh my god why my creeeyyys.
So disregarding the great first episode animation by Bones and the fact that it's got homogay elements to the NINES and the clever design nods to how technologically dependent we are--the fact that it's got Asimovian/Bradburian shades of futuristic-dystopian society at its core is what I really, REALLY like. The whole "perfect, technologically advanced city populated by happy citizens that isn't as peaceful as it seems" thing is totally what I dig.
[info]nanakibh[/info] alerted me to this series (and got me hooked on Sacred Seven, which isn't as good as No. 6 but I keep crawling back to S. Seven like some sort of anime crackwhore wry yu do this Sunrise). Apparently this show's based on a novel (which I haven't read since I can't read the moonrunes) and has a graphic novel spinoff (which I did read a part of.)
So far, the anime > the comic adaptation right now, due to the creative liberties the animators took with the story and the great animation itself, along with the actors' performances. Seriously, I wasn't too into the character designs, but when I saw the opening daydream sequence that Sion has, I was sold.
TL; DR if I gush any more about this I'll end up giving a play-by-play of the entire episode and you guys won't actually watch it like you should, so do so. 8 U
They're so heterosexual, guys. Really.