Well... just posting cause I never really post anymore. Hope all is well with everyone...wherever they are. SC is wonderful. It's a PERFECT 75* and sunny. Yall need to come visit! Anyway... So I JUST posted one of these, but Erin who is a loser and is ALWAYS sending me these things, told me I HAD to do this one. so here it is.
[ series 1 - about you ]
-- Name: Megan Elizabeth Lange
-- Birthday: September 21, 1986
-- Birthplace: Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland
-- Current Location: Columbia, SC
-- Eye Color: green
-- Hair Color: blonde
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Virgo
[ series 2 - your favorite ]
-- Music: Oh, everything...except rap
-- Cartoon: um... spongebob?
-- Color: baby blue
-- Magazine: PEOPLE! you know it!
-- TV Show: oh geeze... um, what a list... Gilmore Girls, Joan of Arcadia, the OC... Erin's got me watching CSI and Crossing Jordan... haha we're always watching TV
--Song at the Moment: I don't know!
-- Language : English
-- Spice Girl: They're all kind of obnoxious! scary?
-- Food & Beverage: Chinese Orange Beef(and there are no good Chinese places in Columbia...ugh!) and Diet Coke
-- Subject in School: hm... I don't know.
[ series 3 - what is ]
-- Your most overused phrase on aol:JK!
-- last thing you slept with: ummm?? a pillow?
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes!
-- The Best Name for a Butler: Jeffrey lke the Fresh Prince of Belle Air
-- worst sport: Synchronized Swimming
-- Your best feature: um...?
-- Your bedtime: Erin says my bedtime is whenever she goes to sleep... I guess it varies...
-- Your greatest fear: Dying with my 30 cats, and nobody knowing until the neighbors smelled my rotting corpse only to break the door down and find my cats eating my decaying body... HAHAHAHA... seriously, I don't know. failing i guess?
-- Your greatest accomplishment: I dunno... winning States was pretty awesome.... my personal accomplishments? I dont know. I'll have to get back to you on that one...
-- Your most missed memory: Hm... I don't know...
[ series 4 - you prefer ]
-- Pepsi or coke: Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: um... Wendys
-- Single or group dates: depends...
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas
-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers: chicken fingers
-- Dogs or cats: dogs
-- Rugrats or Doug: Doug
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton.. Gotta love this southern Sweet tea
-- One pillow or two: One
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa: um... theres a difference?
-- Cappucino or coffee: Um... white mocha
-- Boxers or briefs: um... boxers?
[ series 5 - do you ]
-- Take a shower everyday? : yes
-- Do you think you've been in love?: no
-- Want to go to college? : already there
-- Like high school?: can't say I did
-- want to get married?: I don't know, I guess if i meet the right person
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys?: ??? I guess you mean like the way they taught us in elementary school?? no
-- Believe in yourself?: i try
-- Have any tattoos/where?: no
-- Have any piercings/where?: just the ears
-- Get motion sickness?: ummm... sometimes
-- Think you're a health freak?: um... a health freak?
-- Get along with your parents?: Actually. I do now. Now that I'm away from home we get along great
-- Like thunderstorms?: YES!
[ series 6 - the future ]
-- Age you hope to be married by: Late 20's
-- Number and Names of Children: Josh, Hayden(girl)....I don't know I think I want 2 boys and 2 girls... Atleast 1 boy first though, gotta look out for the girls
-- Where do you see yourself in five years?: In an Emergency Room somewhere
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding: I have no idea... I'll have to let Erin plan it... shes a hopeless romantic, and she's already picked the ring and the dress... hahaha
-- How do you want to die?: Peacefully in my sleep after I've lived my life to the fullest
-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: nurse
- What country would you most like to visit?: Honestly, I thin I've been everywhere I really want to be. Australia would be fun I guess... I love Italy, I'd do that again!
[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
-- Best eye color?: blue
-- Best hair color?: Brown i suppose
-- Short or long hair?: short
-- Best height?: hm... doesnt matter I guess... just taller than me, but now TOO tall...
-- Best articles of clothing?: I dunno... I love light blue on a guy!
-- Best first date location?: something fun... no movies though...gotta be able to talk
-- Best first kiss location?: doesnt matter as long as its good
-- What facial feature do you find the most attractive?: eyes... didnt I already answer that question
[ series 8 - other ]
-- The last time you slept with a stuffed animal?: um, fall break
-- How many rings until you answer the phone?: depends... I usually cant get to my cell so it takes a while, and I miss it all the time... The dorm phone, doesnt take as long, always in the same place.
-- What's on your mouse pad? : a picture of em and grace at graduation :)
-- How many houses have you lived in?: 2 houses... and a dorm!
-- How many schools have you gone to?: um... Childrens World(does that count? preschool) then Sangster, then Lake BRaddock, and now USC!
-- What color is your bedroom carpet?: in the dorm? blue with some stains in my bedroom? white
-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take one thing(not person) with you what would you take? I have no idea...
The best time of your life so far?: I dont know?
--First grade teacher's name: Miss Hill..... right? I think that was her name, but then she got married and was Mrs. Brewer?
Last word you said: OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last song you sang: 7th heaven theme song! hahaha my guilty pleasure,
--What's in your cd player?: dixie chicks
--What colour socks are you wearing?: pink striped socks with my slippers that erins been teasing me about all day!
--What's under your bed?: well its a loft, so a chair, the fridge, the microwave, plates, forks/spoons, paper towells, dustbuster, our spare "guest chair" a totally deflated balloon, and our recycling bin
--What time did you wake up at today?: 6:45
--Where do you want to go? : everywhere!
--What is your career going to be?: An RN in an emergency room
--Where are you going to live?: I have NO clue
--How many kids do you want?: Didnt you already ask this question
--Current mood: um... happy i guess?? classes are over so im juat relaxing!
--Current music: tv
--Current taste: dont have one...waiting on our wings though!
--Current hair: in a ponytail
--Current clothes: one of my nebraska shirts, sweat pants, and my slippers... as i said, im just bumming around!
--Current annoyance: When erin nags me... usually for dragging my feet! loser...
--Current smell: um, our air freshner... orange i think
--Current longing: what the hell?
--Current desktop picture: a gamecock logo
--Current fingernail color: natural, toes are a "winter" red
--Current hate: we shouldnt hate!
--Current favorite article of clothing: ??? um th infamous slippers?
--Last cd that you bought: I dont remember the last time i bought a CD... I burned Disc 1 of the Garth BRooks Live CD that i lost :(
--Favorite place to be: hmmm... i dont know
--Time you wake up in the morning: 6:45 M/W/F, 8:15 T/Th, and like 2:00 in the afternoon on the weekends
--Do you believe in an afterlife?: i guess... there has to be something more, right?
--How tall are you?: 5'6"
--Current favorite word: um, words... "TIME OUT"
--Favorite book(s): I have to choose just one? I just read Lucky, which is by the same person who wrote The Lovely Bones... It was good... but an overall favorite book, I dont know. I liked the 5 peopel you meet in heaven too!
--Favorite season: Spring(its pretty) and winter(snow!)
--1 MINUTE AGO: i was typing this?
--1 HOUR AGO: was in class
--1 DAY AGO: was monday?
--1 WEEK AGO: fall break
--1 YEAR AGO: high school
--I HURT: when someone says something mean
--I HATE: lies
--I FEAR: loneliness
--I HOPE: for a happy ending
--I FEEL: stressed a lot?
--I HIDE: my feelings (sometimes)
--I PLAY: ??? um...
--I MISS: not having to study for classes... way less stressful...
--I LEARNED: to just rlax... getting angry and fighting is so not worth it, I'm a fan of the laid back southern lifestyle
--I KNOW: i shouldnt worry, things will work out
--I WAIT: impatiently
--I NEED: money, haha
--I WANT: this to be over... and it is! wow!