Heey! wOah im updatInG lOl soOoOoO muCh EfFiNg sTuFf HaS HappeneD!! lOl FiRsT oF alL iVaNnA & BeRNy ArE GoInG oUt bUt he (( BurnEy)) HaTeS Me bUt wHaTevEr!! SoOoO yAY BuT Im StilL SinglEE!! AHHhH ((whatever)) lOl
hei, it's jackie. OMG!, you updated....4 Once. lOl. i'm here at OrlandO right nOw. but we're leaving in a few hOurs=( i was eating breakfast and in the pOol. cOmment On my lj when tOu get the chance, k. <3 jackie
Comments 3
..xOxO a l e x a n d r a
<3 jackie
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