So it's the end of the most challenging week ever. Seems like all the evil planets/influences aligned for a combination of deadlines at work, and the most complicated cold I've ever had.
The cold started innocently enough on Sunday with an itchy throat. At first I thought the throat was because I was walking around the house in one of my thinnest pairs of socks versus my slippers. On Monday, there was drainage towards the throat, but nothing else seemed wrong. On Tuesday, things changed harshly; after a restless night that left me sweaty, I had aches that started at the joints and progressed to the limbs during the day, plus there was coughing and sore throat. Purchased thermometer and supplies that evening to confirm fever and make some homemade cold remedies (warm honey with lemon for cough, garlic and ginger tea for expectorating). On Wednesday, after another night of restless sleep, the cough led to a runny nose and lots of sneezing; sore throat and body aches continued. I noticed a spot under my right ribcage started to ache with the sneeze sessions. The sequential symptoms were giving me hope that it would soon pass, but then all went crazy on Thursday. Once more the restless night, but while the body aches subsided, now there was both sneezing and coughing fits to go with the runny nose; had to carry my water bottle everywhere for the itchy throat attacks. Finally, during one strong coughing fit, I finally injured my right side (diaphragm, since it's now harder to blow my nose, and I can feel the diminished lung strength). On Friday, finally had a better night's sleep, the sneezes and coughs went down (probably avoiding them because of the diaphragm), but still that pesky itchy throat and now a congested nose.
It's Saturday morning, dealing with a night that was restless due to itchy throat and drainage. Feels like it's gone full circle, so this definitely should be the last day. All in all, this has been the harshest and weirdest cold I've had. It felt like a sampler of sorts, with every possible symptom showing up (well, except for stomach issues). Other people around me caught it too, though I'm glad to see I wasn't the original source; my brother started his symptoms the Saturday before me, with an itchy throat and nagging cough. My dear husband ended up catching it after me, his symptoms starting on Tuesday, though he got a harsher fever and more congestion out of it. A friend of ours has had it all week as well. And it can all be traced to last Friday, when my family and my husband's family went out to dinner, where my MIL had hinted that she might be coming down with a cold...