Yesterday was my birthday: I'm over a year old now, which sounds somewhat strange to you people, but is getting towards old for us. The strange thing, though, is that nothing much really changes for us: no matter how "old" I technically am, I'll still remain at about the same "age". I'm sure many actresses would like to learn my secret: it's quite
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Comments 3
A 355 bonus on a guildmax (well, I assume 344 unstatted according to Flatline's)? That's pretty darn good for a level 300. I wish my was that good...
Although I have a crappy rearrange. :P
(I do have pretty good brewing stats, though. Look at it this way, when you're finished changing your stats around, you'll have a pretty good skills boost :) )
Actually, the shifting I want to do will help almost a whole whack of stats but NOT That's a shame, as those points would help me a lot more in int (and maybe even one in dex) than they would in con. :P
Problem is that I want a good fa.po bonus (W: 3 I: 2), a good cu.ta bonus (W: 2 I: 1 C:2) AND a good bonus (C: 1 D: 2 S: 2). *sighs*
A flat cap is definately in order though, as it'll boost that bonus up to a healthier 347.
Funny thing though is that according to Flatline's, a simple bless would put me up to a 343 (never bothered to check, but incense is a lot cheaper than a flat cap :P). Also, my prayer beads only put me up to a 337 (again, haven't checked this in-game)...
My wisdom is WAY higher than it needs to be. :S
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