Сегодня ночью под обстрел попал и в результате сгорел дом Ксении Корчмы - женщины, у которой было 5 своих детей и она приняла ещё семь приёмных. Это был первый семейный детский дом в Славянске. Дом строили сами - только недавно закончили. Я про Оксану (Ксению) Корчму уже писала
http://toihara.livejournal.com/26204.html?view=82524#t82524 Read more... )
Comments 46
As if her own family was not enough to worry about, she had also been helping her neighbours in Slaviansk who she said were “even worse off”, buying food and giving out donated money to the elderly and families in trouble. Now Xenia’s family are themselves homeless and in trouble.
Xenia’s daughter Katia wrote on her mother’s Facebook page this morning:
“It’s a miracle my parents are alive. They could have been burnt five times by now. It all started at 11.45pm, everyone ran to the basement and prayed, and God saved them. The bombs were getting right into our house and there were about 100 explosions. The house and car are destroyed.”
(дальше реквизиты)
Xenia's house, or what's left of it:
(фото дома)
Moneygram/Western Union payments:
Pay to the Order of Oksana Stepanovna Korchma
Privat Bank card number: 6762 4682 0777 3692
You can send to Oxana’s Privat Bank card from any VISA card via a card to card transfer. Wester Union, Webmoney or Yandex Money are also an option.
Yandex money: 410011026993140
Webmoney purses:
R Z 124338850905 298379357037 963688562448 E U 242094486916
You can put money on the husband's phone Oksana - his name is Alexander Tel: +7 805-05376863. Oksana's phone itself burned.
Support Oksana on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mamasoslav
Oksana's house, or what's left of it:
(https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=253445531446495&set=p.253445531446495&type=1&theater )
если кто заметит ошибки - прошу отредактировать
R 124338850905
Z 298379357037
E 963688562448
U 242094486916
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