Because I am a moron who fails at the internet, I accidentally deleted my first relationship post.
Yes, I'm amazed that I can do things like tie my own shoelaces and drive a car, too.
In any case, George has met more people, so it could use an update, anyway.
"You're not as annoying as most people are."
Translation: George doesn't know you very well, but hasn't seen anything too offensive about you . . . yet.
angelamourpeach: Momoko was nice enough to offer George a place to stay once she asked about it and she was later amazed to find out that while Momoko had been there for four months, she hadn't been driven insane yet.
buttrflywannabe: George and Arisa had a quick conversation and she seems okay, but they haven't gotten to interact much since then.
full__of__woe: A fellow cynic and someone opposed to cutesy camp stupidity. This, George likes. However, they haven't seen much of each other since.
idontlikesand: Anakin weighed in on George's first questions about why the camp exists. Since he's a rather cute guy, she tried to make a joke. Which went over like a lead balloon. So George slunk off and contented herself with the fact that he was surely way out of her league, anyway.
inui_log: A Vulcan without the ears. Nuff said.
twice_tothesun: While she was first tempted to make a comment about Hinata's freaky eyes, George couldn't bring herself to be that mean. It seemed too close to kicking a puppy for comfort.
"Odd ducks."
Translation: You've done something that stands out in George's mind. Whether or not that's a good thing is up to you.
bad_direction: She's not sure how bright this one is. Complaining about rocks being slippery when they're right by an onsen? Ooookay.
classprotector: Buffy's attitude reminds her of Betty (a fellow Reaper who became her first real friend in a long time), but since she seems to have everything together and seems so strong and capable of taking care of herself, she's also pretty intimidating.
hascoldhands: While George's first impression was actually pretty good (involving food, the onsen, and a lot of sake), she was kind of weirded out by their most recent conversation in which Ami seemed embarrassed, then suddenly pretty eager to get George back in that onsen. As a result, George really isn't sure what's going on with her.
im_impulse: Impulse is a prankster and he appreciates a good Halloween trick. While she hasn't gotten to talk to him much, George would like to in the future.
latrine_orderly: OMGWTFBBQ?!? (( ^o^ ))
on_target: Omi tried to reassure her about the whole public nudity thing at the onsen, then offered her a place to stay. He seems pretty sweet, which isn't something that she's used to.
screwfate: Neji seems to have no sense of humor, whatsoever. He's also not the toasted marshmallow type. However, he seems to be well aware of both facts and has no problem with either. George is also jealous of his hair, which is much prettier than hers is.
strongeruchiha: At first, Itachi intimidated the hell out of her. After they got to talking a bit, he didn't seem so bad and he didn't seem to mind her tales of the weird methods of death she's seen. While she's been told about what Itachi did to his family, she's trying to avoid being too horrified for one simple reason: if anyone would know whether or not Grim Reapers exist in that particular world, it would be him.
_superdork_: Kon scored points with his interest in George's mysterious "powers," but also his willingness to back down when she was reluctant to go into much more detail. However, he lost points with his apparent glee over the idea of Ami offering to wash George's back. George doesn't appreciate perverts. However, she was also a bit tipsy at the time, which made her overreact. Later, he seemed willing to let it slide and his obvious pride in Kal (who George finds absurdly cute) made her reconsider the whole "pervert" thing.
"People who talk during the movie."
Translation: George hates you. ((drumroll, please!!))
morespecial: Congratulations go out to Sasuke! He's the very first person at Camp who George actively hates! The first time she'd heard of the guy was when Naruto had posted the catboy porn picture, hoping that someone would 'fess up to having sent it to him. George found it amusing and pestered Naruto for more details and quickly got the impression that while Naruto cared for Sasuke very much, the feeling was not mutual. When George asked him what was so special about Monday (Naruto's birthday), he was very rude to her, George was rude back, realized that he was the guy in the catboy porn picture and proceeded to tease the hell out of him over it. Things degenerated from there. While she's willing to admit that Sasuke is hot, she's also of the opinion that the only way he'd be tolerable is if he was gagged during sex.
"Mysterious and reassuring."
Translation: George likes you. She really does and she'd like to be your friend, but she figures that eventually you'd screw her over or just abandon her and she's really not sure she wants to deal with that.
calicious: Cal seems to be even more cynical than George is and they bonded over complaining about insipid "camp spirit" competitions, where a person can get some sleep, and the idea of camp nookie. When George complained that, unlike most of her fellow campers, her self-defense skills were pretty much nonexistant, Cal took the initiative to help her start to learn how to channel the Warrior Bitch within. Any further lessons would be greatly appreciated. ~_^
fromthelostdays: George appreciated Heather's early advice about which foods to avoid and other camp perils. They later got into a conversation ranging from firearms to slushy drinks with paper umbrellas in them. Heather seems to be fairly normal, especially when compared some of what she's seen so far, so George would like to hang out a bit more, maybe try to get some shotgun lessons, that sort of thing. You know, girl stuff.
rokudaime_yo: Danger! Danger! This person is extremely good at getting past George's defenses and making her open up with him a lot more than she should. In a very short amount of time, he's gotten her to (almost) admit that she wants her old life back and he's the very first person to know what she really is and why that freaks her out so badly. And his total lack of horrified reaction just floored her. He even tried to see the good side of it, since she wasn't actually killing anyone personally, she was just helping their souls go on to what was next. And Naruto seemed to feel fairly comfortable with George, too, explaining a little about his (lack of) relationship with Sasuke and various other topics. He seems to be a genuinely good person, which is a rare thing for her.
"Mouth breathers."
Translation: George hasn't met you, so she has no opinion of you. And, really, where's the fun in that?
Everyone else.
C'mon, folks! Give her a reason to hate you, at least!
*evil laughter*
Tomorrow, I'm planning to do George's canon relationships, as well as some other bits of series information for those who aren't familiar with "Dead Like Me."