Title: Not There But Not Less
Author: bronze_ribbons
Rating: PG
Characters and/or Pairing(s): Lupin, Snape
Summary/Warnings(if applicable): futurefic hurt/comfort, sort of
Disclaimer: No malice or profit intended.
A/N: x-posted to
30_hathRemus Lupin had refused to believe that anything could break Severus
Snape, but he was in the hospital room when his former colleague tried
to Summon a glass of water. Had Lupin harboured any desire for
revenge, it would have been amply answered by the dumbfounded look in
Snape's eyes upon realising his hands no longer existed.
During the weeks that followed, Lupin continued to visit, competently
fielding Snape's tantrums and tirades and outright attacks on anything
within range. The Healers were grateful for his presence, as his
ability to absorb Snape's rage helped exhaust their difficult patient.
Not only did it make him less of a menace to those who merely wished
to help him, it also distracted the man from casting about for ways to
damage himself further.
After one particularly awful afternoon, Lupin exited Snape's room and
slumped against one of the hallway walls. A Healer regarded him with
both sympathy and curiosity.
"I know why we don't let him starve himself…but what's in it for you?"
Lupin kept his voice neutral. "Does there have to be anything? Besides
it being the right thing to do?"
She answered, "No, there doesn't. And yet I think there is."