(no subject)

Oct 21, 2006 11:02

I've only glanced at my friends page, which means I don't know exactly how everyone else felt about last night's ep, but I thought it was frakking AMAZING. Like, in the vein of Season 1 amazing. So let's jump right into it, shall we?

I was spoiled for Ellen Tigh's death (that was actually the point at which I said enough and stopped reading spoilers) but never in a million years would I have guessed that Tigh would be the one to do it. That was such a powerful scene. Poor Ellen, she loved her husband too much. And Michael Hogan is amazing. Wow.

The drones that looked like Battlestars = Wow.
Galactica jumping into the atmosphere to drop off some vipers = Wow.
Sacrificial Pegasus = Wow.

I knew Lee would have to come to Galactica's aid. There's no way Lee could go on being Commander of a fleet without his daddy. When Dee told him about the captains of the other ships in the fleet wanting to meet with him, I could see him almost visibly crumple under the responsibility. It's not that he can't handle responsibility, but the idea of having to go on without his father was just unbearable. I think this was a fitting way to get rid of Pegasus. It was a dirty ship anyway.

I loved the way this episode also fulfilled two previous prophecies. D'Anna did indeed get to hold Hera, and Leoben got his wishes. Back when Leoben told Kara she would hug him and kiss him and tell him she loved him, I doubted it. I like how it came true though not in the conventional way. He's so sly. He knew that she would do those things and more as long as it kept Kacey safe. And while I wasn't spoiled regarding Kacey's true nature, I had it figured out because that's just how sly Leoben is. I really liked Kara's reaction at the end though; she looked like she'd just gotten bitch-slapped with a bag of bricks.

I find myself continually fascinated by Gaius' transformation. Gaeta stormed in all ready to kill the man that destroyed his dreams, only to find that he was already gone. The Gaius that remains is a pitiful shell of a man, an end I never would have predicted for someone once so arrogant. It's kind of funny that now that everyone has him pegged as a cylon collaborator, he really isn't one anymore. He was more of a cylon collaborator back on Galactica than he ever was on New Caprica. To see him being so gentle with Hera was also somewhat of a shock. I was surprised, though, that Head!Six made no mention of the fact that this was their baby. Does anyone else remember that? Six used to go on and on about how that was their child and it was Gaius' duty to protect it. Apparently the writers forgot, because I would have thought Six would have smashed Gaius' head into a mirror or something when he handed Hera over to Three. Still, I suspect next week we'll see more of Six, Gaius, and Three, when the whole nuking-New-Caprica storyline gets finished.

So now I have great hopes for the rest of the season. Next week everyone will be back together but not the same at all, and it will be interesting to see how that gets played out. It was good to have a return to the days when I watch Battlestar with my mouth hanging open in stupefied awe, and I hope it continues.

bsg, episode review

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