Battlestar Galactica... Season 3 So Far
1) On a scale of 1 to 10 ("1" = tremendously disappointed, and "10" = best TV I've ever seen), how would you rate season three so far? How would you rate the individual episodes?
Occupation/Precipice: 7
Exodus Pt. 1: 8
Exodus Pt. 2: 10
Overall: 9
2) Which three actors/characters have really stood out so far in season three and impressed you the most?
Michael Hogan/Tigh
James Callis/Baltar
Lucy Lawless/Three
3) Are there any characters that you used to dislike and now are starting to like in season three?
I really like Anders this year, which of course means he's doomed.
4) A lot of characters went through physical changes at the end of season two/beginning of season three (Lee's poundage, Adama's 'stache, Tyrol's beard, Kara's long hair, etc.).. Which physical change was your favorite, and which one was your least favorite?
Favorite: None
Least favorite: The Fatsuit, Tyrol's Grizzly Adams, Kara's rat's nest
5) In your opinion, what was the single most depressing or tragic moment in season three so far?
Ellen's death
6) What was the most amazing and/or heroic moment so far?
Galactica jumping into the atmosphere... or when they thought all was lost and Adama told everyone it was an honor to serve with them.
7) What was the most surprising and/or unexpected thing that's happened so far in season three?
Saul killing Ellen.
8) Name one scene or moment in the New Caprica storyline that you wish the writers or director would've done differently. How do you wish they would've done it differently?
Cally's escape from the Centurions. Two different episodes, two very different scenes. I understand the inconsistency was there for dramatic cliffhanger effect, but still.
9) Now that we're several episodes into season three, how have your views of the cylons changed - if at all - since the end of season two? Do you like them more, hate them more, feel like you understand them more... ?
I don't seem to like Cavil as much as everyone else does... and I definitely don't think "they have a plan" anymore. But I'm seriously loving Three.
10) Now that everyone's back onboard the Galactica, there's sure to be some romance brewin'. Which two characters are you really hoping to see hook up in season three?
As long as it's not Lee and Dee, I don't care. Those two have zero chemistry.