I try to keep these as up-to-date as possible, but unfortunately I have a poor memory, and yeah. I suck, basically. I never unintentionally miscredit or anything like that, so if you see any mistakes I've made or things I've forgotten to credit, please leave a comment somewhere and I'll fix it right away.
Fate Manga Style! Animevisions.netDigik.netToo SchexayWe-Love-Anime.comAnimeGalleries.netKimihiro.netEmilie-Online.netStripedWall.comciennamouthfullofdust (2046 screencaps)
xanimagusblackx (Lost in Translation screencaps)
Gradients, brushes, and textures
The Magic Box LJ overrides
doopedthesebullets Last revised: 8/12/06
» You MUST specify a website in your userinfo, or the layout will look hideous. Trust me on this.
» !!IMPORTANT!! You must right-click the link to the code and save the file on your computer. Open it with a text editor such as Notepad, and edit it from there. Some browsers such as Internet Explorer don't display the code in the browser correctly, so please download it to make sure you get all the code!
» To put the layout on your journal, go to
Customize, and select S1 from the Basics tab, and hit save. Then, click on the "Look and Feel" tab and select Generator from the first four dropdowns. Click save. Click the "Custom Options" tab, copy+paste the layout code into the blue-bordered box, and hit save. That's it!
Note for Plus/Sponsored accounts
I haven't tested all the layouts yet, but it seems that these layouts are not going to look similar (or necessarily even work) with a Plus/Sponsored account. If it's ever possible, I'll try to fix them to make the coding work in all account types, but for now these layouts are only guaranteed to work in free and paid accounts.
And I repeat..
How to change the navigation text
In my more recent layouts, I've added navigation bars that can be edited to a small degree. This does not apply to all my layouts, but it should be fairly obvious which ones it does apply to.
To actually make use of the navigation bar, you must edit it. There's three basic links in the layouts already (recent, friends, profile) but the links are generic (, etc.). The navigation code is always towards the bottom of the text file, and looks pretty much the same layout-to-layout, so it should be easy to recognize.
IMPORTANT: You must edit both the navigation under the "LASTN_WEBSITE" and "FRIENDS_WEBSITE" sections! The parts you want to edit are in green:
NAVIGATION.">recent |">friends |">profile It should be fairly self-explanitory, but all you really have to do is replace "YOURNAMEHERE" with your username. That's all!
If you want to add more links (such as your other journal, website, whatever), just copy and paste the individual link code. It's pretty straight-forward.
My header is repeating across the entries, or it's just not showing up right.
There's two likely reasons the header is not looking as it should:
1 - You don't have it set to S1 and Generator. I repeat: GENERATOR, S1. Seriously, folks, it won't work otherwise. S2 and Generator don't cut it, and be sure to doublecheck your settings before asking questions. I think LJ resets the style to Default Livejournal when you switch it from S2 to S1, so even if you think you have Generator set, you need to check.
2 - You are a Plus/Sponsored user. If your account has ads, that means you are a Plus/Sponsored user, and the layout will not look right. Go to to switch your account type to Free, and the layouts will work properly. (Free, as the name suggests, is free to switch to.)
The codes don't seem to work!
I'm just repeating myself here, but if you're using Internet Explorer, you must download the code by right-clicking the link and saving it as a .txt file on your computer. Do NOT load it in the browser and expect it to work! Internet Explorer is finicky and doesn't load all the code. (
Firefox, anyone?)
Where's my navigation ("Friends", "Profile", etc.)?
When I first posted my layouts, I didn't add navigation because frankly, it is frustrating to work with. I also didn't bother with it because I never use the navigation on my own journal layouts, so it always seemed like a lot of pointless hassle. To get to my point, I've since updated all the layout codes to add navigation due to the ceaseless "Where is the navigation?!" questions. If you don't have navigation, you might have one of the previously addressed problems (the Livejournal navigation strip, S2 instead of S1, a Plus/Sponsored account, etc.). But if you really can't get it to work, show me and I'll see if I can figure it out.
My layout looks weird, and I've got a big grey bar at the top of my layout. (also known as: Livejournal's Navigation Strip)
Ah, the bane of all LJ layout help comms. The Navigation Strip is not the same as the navigation I mentioned above. It's an optional big grey bar at the top of your journal that LJ automatically enabled for all users in summer '06. It seriously fucks up layouts, and frankly I don't have the time to adapt the layouts to work with it. You can disable the Navigation Strip by going to My layout looks weird, and I'm using Greatestjournal (or another similar journal site).
I am not designing the layouts for Livejournal-like websites. They run off the same basic code as LJ but there's fundamental differences that can screw up the layouts. I'm not offering any help with GJ issues, because it's not my field of expertise in the least.
How do I change colours, alignment, etc.?
My layouts are what they are, and if you want to mess around with them and change stuff, go ahead. But I'm afraid I can't answer any questions about changing colours, overrides, etc. Check communities like
howto and
everything_lj for that sort of help.
Layout and graphic usage
You're perfectly welcome to change colours on the layouts, but please do not edit the headers, wallpaper, or icons without my permission. Feel free to e-mail (honeybiscuit at or comment on this post if you'd like to ask.
Headers and wallpapers are to be used on Livejournal only. Please do not use them on other websites, even with credit. Do not redistribute without my permission -- as I said above, e-mail or comment on a post to ask.
Currently none. Want to affiliate? Just comment on this post with your info and I'll get back to you shortly. ^^