Title: One Flower A Day
Rating: T
Genre: Historical
Characters/Pairings: Korea, Japan. No pairings.
Summary: Korea does his own part for the rebellion, with one flower a day.
Words: 536
Notes: Written for
hetalia_contest 's week 23 prompt, "flowers".
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Comments 18
Anyway. As mentioned in that Very Anonymous Chat, I like the whole flow of the story, with little nuggets of information throughout. This covers plenty for 536 words.
Pity I can't talk about characterisation.
Woo. My first (semi-)official crit. Haha.
[Side-note: Just realised that one of the writers I admire writes in the present tense, and this is in present tense, so... Yeah.]
Hahah, thanks. Research was fun.
You gave me crit before, I think. Or at least a comment. I think it was for Pontianak, or Facepalm? Can't remember.
[Aaah. Really? I see.]
Thanks :D
What I especially love is his mockery of "aniki." It always makes me wince when an otherwise well-written story has Korea addressing China as such.
I'm rather flattered that you got inspiration from a somewhat long-ago fic of mine...
Yes, well, he was probably forced into it, so I can see why he's so displeased :l I got that idea from halcyon's fic, anyway. And I agree! It does seem a little unnatural for him to address China that way...
O: That kinkmeme fill is yours? If it is, then I have to say that I absolutely love that piece *_* And no, it's not my glasses-kink talking right now.
^_^ Very much so. Ah, thank you very much~ And there's absolutely nothing wrong with a glasses kink, being that I'm absolutely guilty of such as well.
But hell yeah &hearts Korea must have more going on in his head than others think.
I-It's embarrassing! > // < But in this fandom, every other person seems to have a kink, so lol
Also, I just love reading about this time period in Korean history in general, and even more so when it's well done. Thanks for the lovely read♥
:D Thank you very much for reading! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!
I'm glad it worked for you. And yes, we do see too little of sensible!Korea.
And good luck to you too, if you decide to join~
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