Title: The Root of It
Rating: NC-16 (Gory imagery)
Genre: Uh. Gore? Somewhat. Historical too.
Characters/Pairings: China, Japan | No pairings
Summary: Japan is fiercely convinced that what he's doing to China is what's right and good for the country.
Notes: ... I honestly don't know. Written with
inuyashacooks in mind, when she asked for Imperialist!Japan, with
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Comments 20
"-- We'll have to rid China of all it's ills first."
Chills. I had them. Way to write Kiku off as the secret Yandere he is. <3
Heh heh, secret yandere indeed.
Thank you very much &hearts
This is awesome hadghafjfdgada but like. Flesh. lol. Even though I watch alot of gory shows but lol. China's flesh on a blade. /shivers. Thumbs up once again, my dear wife. &hearts
ffff thank you dearest &hearts And I don't watch a lot of gore D8 idk what came over me my god.
/hugs waifu
LOL. Don't worry it was a niceee story, as usual. &hearts &hearts
HEYYYY /husband mode
I prefer the dagger analogy to a certain other one I've seen in fandom...
As a nitpick: historically, "Chuugoku" wasn't in use as a name for China until relatively recently. "Shina", although offensive now, would be more historically-accurate. And there's other slur names that would have worked.
Ohhh! I didn't know that. Thank you for letting me know!
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