Title: Last Time Author: tokidokiko Genre: Relationship Ratings: PG Pairings: Alice Nine - Tora/Shou Synopsis: It's hard for Shou to let go of Tora, so all he asks is one last moment together.
lol. me and my bff bunko-chan, who we call shou-kun, and i were saying that the ppl we like are always paired. such irony. but this one was soooo saaaaad! i 'AAAAAWW!'ed at the end! >///< plz follow up on this plz!
Comments 9
I liked this, Shou's emotions were conveyed very clearly and it was just simple and sweet and sad.
It'll good if there was some sequel follow~ <3
And i say the same as the person above, Sequel pleeeeeeeaaaase? :D
even though its short and sad I still enjoy it ^.~
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