Infinite Blue
Alexander has become a homebody lately. So Eli has decided to do something about it.
(u_kisseli) HEY, TALK TO ME!
(alexander_0729) What you want to talk about?
(u_kisseli) I mean TALK to me. I'm sitting right in front of you.
(alexander_0729) Why don't YOU talk first?
(u_kisseli) YOU go first.
(alexander_0729) NO, you go.
(u_kisseli) You're the talkative one. COME ON KING KONG!!!
"AHH!" Eli just got a kick from Alexander under the table, whose quite satisfied with himself and smiled brightly.
"Okay, what do you want?" Alexander asked after pocketing his phone.
"FINALLY!" Eli threw his arms in the air.
"What?" Alexander put his hands up, palms upward midway in the air and made a face. "What are you talking about?"
"You've been doing this a day?" Eli demonstrated, looking down at his hands with his two thumbs waving left and right, which was the image he got of Alexander being on his phone in cyber world.
Alexander admittedly silenced for a second. "Anyway... where are we? Why is everything blue?" He looked around, just noticing the blueness that surrounded him - walls, tables, chairs, plates, napkins, etc.
"This place is called 'BLUE' of course everything would be blue," Eli explained.
Alexander was still surveying the place. "Wow, I like it. Blue is relaxing. Oww, even the drinks are blue too." He reached out for the glass filled with blue liquid and took a big gulp. Then he suddenly put it back down on the table, and his face began to contour in strange and funny ways as he puts his hands on both his cheeks - trying to compose himself. "Ahh, what is this!?"
"Blue Hawaii," Eli answered with an amused smile that eventually turned into a laugh.
Alexander sniffed the drink. "This is an alcoholic drink, right? I like Hawaii but this tastes weird."
"Your face when you drank it was even weirder." Eli laughed again.
"Yahh~, if you brought me here just to tease me I'm leaving," Alexander said, actually sounding kind of mad.
So Eli quickly apologized, sort of. "Just kidding, Alexander. Actually, we have a theme today, can you guess what it is?"
Alexander sighed, giving up the idea of being mad and his eyes rolled around the place they were at. "Blue?"
"Ding, ding, ding. You're right! But to be more correct it's the 'Infinite Blue'. Do you know what that is Alexander?" Eli was talking like a game show host.
Alexander thought for a second. "I've heard of it. But I don't know if we're thinking the same thing."
Eli had on a big shiny smile. "Then I better show you what I'm thinking."
- One hour later -
"AHHH!!! It's so cold I need to pee." Alexander was do the 'I-have-to-go' dance.
"Then go there's bushes over there." Eli pointed at some foliage nearby them.
Alexander shoot back with a distasteful, yet comical, look. "NO WAY! What are we doing here?"
"This is the 'Infinite Blue' I was talking about." Eli stretched out his arms wide to present the beautiful scenery they were at where the vast blue sky meets the endless blue ocean.
As wonderful as the view was Alexander was not in the mood to enjoy it due the cold wind that was painfully blowing over his face. "Okay, I've seen it lets go." He was doing a running motion with his leggings, probably to warm himself up, while slowly turning away towards where they came from a couple minutes ago.
Eli stopped Alexander at the bottom a sand slope. "Wait, a while ago you said you wanted to come to the beach."
"Yeah, during the summer with a bunch of friends for a barbeque. But not in the middle of autumn in the freezing cold with just you and me. It's crazy. I'm walking back to the bus stop." Alexander was trying to walk up the slope but was having trouble going up due to the loose sand.
This was good for Eli who was in the middle to convincing Alexander to stay. "And go where? Home to sit in front of your computer and play video games all day while stuffing your face with food. Come on! We rarely get days off like this these days, especially together at the same time. We need the fresh air. Now breath some of it with me."
Eli began do this motion where he has his arms wide open as he waves his hands towards himself like a fanning gesture. Apparently, this was his way of breathing in the fresh air. Then he started moving his head from side to side followed by his shoulder shrugs. It became some kind of strange dance.
Alexander let out a big sigh of defeat. "I give up." He was watching Eli and found it quite hilarious and decided to join in.
Now Alexander was doing the awkward dance with a wide smile on his face, and laughing. In fact he was having so much fun he didn't notice the person next to him had moved closer and closer to him. He wasn't paying much attention until there was a set of arms latched around his chest. Alexander finally stopped moving and turned his head to the direction those arms were coming from and was met with a set of eyes this time.
"Eli...?" Alexander was too taken by surprise to take control of this situation. If this was anyone else he'd be fine. But this was Eli, and being this close and in this position with him was just a bit uncomfortable. Also, lately Eli had become a lot more unpredictable. So when the other started leaning in Alexander instantly took notice of Eli's mouth and took a step back the same time he tipped his head. Just at that moment Eli opened his mouth wide and huffed out his breath. And Alexander was released.
It was a sticky breath attack.
Eli was laughing hysterically. "You should have seen your face." More laughter.
"EWW, ELI!!! YAHH~!" Alexander squawked, and went chasing after Eli, who had took off running. "Get back here!"
They ran into the infinite blue and didn't leave until the sunset - even though someone kept complaining it was cold.
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