Title: Stranded
tokidokikoPairing(s): All Main - KhunYoung, JunBros, TaecChan
Genre: Comedy, Romance(??)
Rating: PG
Summary: The 2PM boys are stranded on a deserted island. Now what would happen when they are forced to pair off with the person they least want to be with?
I can't believe we're eating bananas for dinner. )
Comments 17
So cute and funny. I hope Taec and Chan will have a steamy, hot, wild sex in the greens XD
Please make it bb :)
I wanna know what happens QQ!!!
Thank you very much for sharing and i hope you will write many more because you just perfect in describing 2pm members ~<3
so what ur 2pm OTPs?
I don't mind a good fanfiction need a comment, even though its not finished :3
And its not like you made a super bad cliffhang and let us all suffer
I really really liked how you described them it was easy to picture it to be real <3 keke
My otp ~
is Buck/Sung
because they share something special without beeing a otp by many fans, you see them often cuffle in the background or secretly, and Nichkhun always stops cuddling when he sees cameras on them.
Its like a OTP: Where’s Wally? *laugh*
And your's?
i mean it may have changed :3
I would like to turn you to a bucksung shipper keke
we would need some more shippers and amazing fanfiction writers like you.
But don't midn me I will like your fanfiction even without bucksung :3
bucksung is cute, i like their interaction behind the scene.
my otps are TaecChan and Junbros the very under-rated pairing you could say. I like their playfully love-hate relationship in real life.
it's really been long since I wrote a 2pm fic. they've been on a kpop hiatus for a while so i hadnt had much inspiration. but who knows maybe when they have their comeback in May (?) I'll get inspired ^^
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