Title: Moving Pairing(s): HoMin Genre: (B)romance, Slice-of-Life Rating: G to PG Summary: Changmin decideds to move out. But Yunho's constant "support" was making it hard for Changmin to move on.
im loving this chapter full of sweet moment<3 lol these two totally married xD
Yunho is tooooooooooo cute here<3 love that while Changmin is cooking Yunho keep doing many thing to distract him xD when will those two realize and admit they love each other :P and kyaaaaaaa the romantic dinner at the end just toooo sweet,Yunho should just add candle lol :P
haha Yunho already said he want his girlfriend to cook spaghetti carbonara to him and that after Changmin said he start to cook carbonara before, lol Yunho giving such obvious hint :P
really can't wait for last chapter though i was hoping this story longer since to solve everything in 1 chapter feel too short xd
I wonder if Yunho really knows what he is doing or is he truly trying to be helpful.. Changmin is getting upset for having Yunho help him.. I am hoping Changmin changes his mind because then who will have to cook for.. I think Yunho just eats the food he cooks for the fact he is cooking for him.. Love Homin.. cannot wait for the next chapter..
yea, Yunho has that sort of personality that always wants to please while i'm like the opposite - kinda like Changmin. That's why I tend to write in Changmin's point of view.
Comments 26
im loving this chapter full of sweet moment<3
lol these two totally married xD
Yunho is tooooooooooo cute here<3
love that while Changmin is cooking Yunho keep doing many thing to distract him xD
when will those two realize and admit they love each other :P
and kyaaaaaaa the romantic dinner at the end just toooo sweet,Yunho should just add candle lol :P
haha Yunho already said he want his girlfriend to cook spaghetti carbonara to him and that after Changmin said he start to cook carbonara before, lol Yunho giving such obvious hint :P
really can't wait for last chapter though i was hoping this story longer since to solve everything in 1 chapter feel too short xd
Thank you for reading and commenting! ^____^
Last chapter >>> http://tokidokiko.livejournal.com/122483.html
I am hoping Changmin changes his mind because then who will have to cook for.. I think Yunho just eats the food he cooks for the fact he is cooking for him.. Love Homin.. cannot wait for the next chapter..
Thank you for reading and commenting! ^____^
Last chapter >>> http://tokidokiko.livejournal.com/122483.html
im like..one of them without much persuasion and determination^^
while i'm like the opposite - kinda like Changmin.
That's why I tend to write in Changmin's point of view.
Thank you for reading and commenting! ^____^
Last chapter >>> http://tokidokiko.livejournal.com/122483.html
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Thank you for reading and commenting! ^____^
Last chapter >>> http://tokidokiko.livejournal.com/122483.html
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Thank you for reading and commenting! ^____^
Last chapter >>> http://tokidokiko.livejournal.com/122483.html
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