Title: Touch Series Pairing(s): HoMin Genre: Slice-of-Life Rating: PG Summary: How Yunho copes with being 27, single, and sometimes lonely. And the innocent touches he shares with Changmin.
I liked "moving" a lot, and this one is really sweet. I just feel a little frustrated because of Changmin's lack of reaction. Though it's better like that because 1) it suits your "plot", 2) it is quite realistic. I can picture them acting like that without any problem.
It seems like they know how they feel about each other but are afraid to voice it.. I liked it.. it would have been great to know what Changmin was feeling while he waited for Yunho to come home.. will wait for the next one..
Oh. This series is interesting. I love this. It sounds so pure and refreshing. And I love the interaction. I don't even care if this is romance or simply brotherhood. The fic makes me smile genuinely. Thank you so much for sharing. I will be looking forward for the next parts.
So, is this a stand-alone fic or something that is related? Uhmm *shakes head* I can't explain what I really want to ask. Nut anyway, don't mind me. xD
Comments 31
I liked "moving" a lot, and this one is really sweet. I just feel a little frustrated because of Changmin's lack of reaction. Though it's better like that because 1) it suits your "plot", 2) it is quite realistic. I can picture them acting like that without any problem.
Thanks a lot!!
I'm looking forward the next ones.
Bye :)
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i love the moving series and this one seem really interesting with touch theme<3
can't wait for next chapter^^
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to know what Changmin was feeling while he waited for Yunho to come home.. will wait for the next one..
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So, is this a stand-alone fic or something that is related? Uhmm *shakes head* I can't explain what I really want to ask. Nut anyway, don't mind me. xD
each "chapter" is actually like a oneshot, not totally related to each other but the stories have the same sentiment
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